II: Anubis

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You refused. You refused to die today. You had so much more to live for. You had a dream, planning on obtaining that career you worked so hard for. And you just die? All that work just being thrown into oblivion? You absolutely refused.

You stood in the pitch darkness, unable to see anything. But you stood on ground. An empty dark void of nothingness.

Memories of the car crash came into mind. You breathed out relief upon remembering Rosa was fine as you heard her cry out your name before you died.

"No. I'm not dead. Not yet."

"(Y/N)," A thunderous voice called out.

The dark void lit up, revealing a silhouette in the distance. Tall and slim. You eyed him suspiciously as he approached you with silence.

"Who are you?" You demanded sharply.

He stopped in front of you. His eyes were hidden under his dark bangs, but you could see his grin. You took the opportunity to examine him, take in his features. He was tall with a slim build, but something about him screamed extraordinary power. He wore a black suit, a white undershirt under the dark jacket along with a black tie. He wore a pair of black gloves. His messy locks that fell over his eyes were jet black. Hanging off the side of his suit pants, there was a golden ankh symbol. But what caught your attention the most was the ears on his head. 

"Me? Why..."

He lifted up his head, revealing his piercing golden eyes. 

"I'm Anubis."

You were taken back and shocked to actually see Anubis himself standing before you. You realized that he was the god of death, and if he's in front of you...

He chuckled lightly, almost sadly.

"Time's up, (Y/N)," He said, practically reading your mind. 

"N-No..." You whispered, (E/C) orbs wide.

He gave you a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. It's not going to hurt."

You stumbled back, scowling at him. "No! I can't die yet! There's so much more that I planned!"

He frowned. "(Y/N)... This is fate. You died, so be it."

"I don't believe in fate!" You snapped.

You were taken aback suddenly whenever Anubis grinned. He had a mischievous glint in his golden eyes.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). But really, you must come with me. Don't make me chase you~"

Chills went down your spine, but you remained determined, nonetheless.

"Then I guess you'll have to," You said stubbornly.

He chuckled lightly whenever you turned on your heel and ran into the darkness, away from Anubis. There was no wind whipping around you when you usually ran. You fled blindly into the empty void as fast as possible. You glanced back to find no Anubis chasing you.

In the distance, you saw a beam of light.

"That's my ticket out!" 

You ran faster, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you ran for the light, outstretching your arm to grasp it. Once reaching it, you felt yourself fading away once more.

"Is she gonna be okay!?" A familiar girl's voice rang out.

"Good news. She has regained stability. She was on the brink of death there. Almost as if she was standing before death itself," A male's voice added on.

"Thank goodness!" 

What was happening? Anubis didn't catch me, did he?

You opened your eyes slowly, blinking and cringing from the sudden blinding bright light. You groaned softly, reaching up to rub your eyes.

"(Y/N)! You're awake!" The girl, identified to be Rosa exclaimed.

Once adjusted, your eyes aimed at Rosa's. She was in tears. A bandage wrapped around her nose and wrist. You assumed she broke her wrist and nose.

"Hey, Rosa," You tried to sit up.

Wrong move. You felt pain shoot up your side and you yelped.

"Please, lay back down. You broke a few ribs," A male nurse instructed.

"I-I did?"

"Yeah. And you got a major concussion so bad to where you nearly died!" Rosa exclaimed. "I'm so glad you're okay. The class was worried too!"

You smiled lightly. "I'm okay now."

"Should I tell her about the whole Anubis fiasco? Would she believe me?

"I'll leave you two alone for a bit. Press that red button if you need me, alright?" The male nurse told me.

You nodded, watching him as he exited.

You looked at Rosa with a sheepish look. "I'm assuming I'm in a hospital?"

"No. You're in Burger King," Rosa said sarcastically.

You laughed. "Okay, sassy girl."

Rosa suddenly looked very guilty. A frown tugged at your lips.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You queried.

"I just... It's my fault. It's my fault you nearly died. If you did, I would've never forgiven myself..." Rosa spoke softly, wiping away a tear.

"Hey, it's not your fault. You were driving like a normal person. That semi-truck that hit us... They were the ones who caused it. Not you. So don't you go doing that," You reassured her.

She sniffled, smiling softly. "By the way, Ryan from our class was extremely worried. I really think he likes you."

You laughed, beaming. "You really think so? Ryan liking me?"

"Totally! You're so cute and sweet to everyone! Who wouldn't like you?"

"Thanks, Rosa. Even though I'm the one who should be cheering you up."

Rosa laughed.

"Oh, by the way, your phone survived," She handed you your cell phone with a (F/C) case on it.

You beamed brightly. "Thanks, Rosa! And by the way, when am I gonna get out of here?" 

"The nurse said in about two weeks or so. Until then, I'll visit you everyday and bring you homework, notes, and assignments from school," Rosa said.

"Thanks, Rosa. What would I do without you?"

Rosa giggled, lightly nudging your shoulder. "You wouldn't make it."

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