IV: Jackal

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Your favorite class, humanities, taught by Mrs. Keene finally came. You hurried away to class, sitting in the very back. You were so timid today. You kept thinking a chilling thought...

I'm supposed to be dead.

You released a shaky breath.

"(Y/N)!" Mrs. Keene called.

"Yes, ma'am?" You replied politely.

"I'm glad you're alright. I see you're doing better. I'm glad."

"Thank you, ma'am."

Students began piling in. Rosa hurried to you, frowning.

"Why did you leave me behind?" She fake-pouted. 

You giggled. "Sorry. I just wanted to be here as quick as possible for some reason." Because I wanted to avoid Andrew, You wanted to say.

"Alright, class! Today I have a new assignment for you! It takes up a lot of your grade, so score well! You will be making a presentation with at least ten slides, containing information on an ancient civilization. Ancient Greece, Rome, ectetera... Also, you will have a partner!"

Everyone cheered.

"Which I will be choosing," Mrs. Keene smirked.

Everyone groaned.

Mrs. Keene pulled out a clipboard. "Here are the assigned partners. Fiona and Jasmine. Gerald and Xavier. Danielle and Mark. Rosa and Addie..."

Finally, she got down to you.

"And (Y/N) and Andrew."

You paled. You cannot be serious...

"Now, get with your partners, please."

"Oh, you got the new boy," Rosa smirked. "Have fun."

"Rosa, you're killing me!" You whined.

You sighed shakily, standing up and walking stiffly over to Andrew.

"H-Hey, Andrew," You greeted with a forced smile.

"Hey, (Y/N)," He replied calmly.

"How do you know my name?" You asked in suspicion.

"Oh, um, I heard your friend call you that. Glad I got it right," He smiled at you, slightly easing your tense nerves.

"O-Oh," You said down beside him. "So, which ancient civilization do you want to do?"

"My personal favorite is Egypt. But you can decide."

"Oh, mine too!" You were smiling now. "I guess we can do Egypt."

"Great," Andrew said, his dark eyes piercing into yours.

Dismissal came. You and Andrew planned on going to a cafe in town to work on the project together. Thankfully, it wasn't too far from your house, and you were craving a latte right about now.

"I'm going out, mom!" You called to your mother who was cooking dinner.

"Where?" She asked.

"To the cafe downtown. I'm working on a project with a friend. I'll be back in two hours or so."

"Alright! Love you!"

"Love you too!"

You wore your book bag, containing books of Egyptian mythology and interesting information and your laptop. The cafe had free WiFi, which made it easier to work and do research.

Your feet lightly scraped against the white pavement of the damp sidewalk. The air was misty and cool, dampening your skin.

You passed a cemetery, guarded by tall black metal fences. Though, beyond the fences, you caught sight of something black.

A... Dog?

Upon closer inspection, your eyes widening realizing it was a jackal. It had a black coat of smooth fur. It's eyes were golden. It was staring directly at you, as if into your soul. But what caught your attention was the necklace it wore. A golden ankh symbol.

You took off running, adrenaline in your veins.

No doubt about it, that was Anubis. 

Once you were in the downtown, surrounded by friendly civilians walking their pets and cars passing, you felt safer and sighed in relief. You were panting softly to regain your breath as you approached the cafe. 

You pushed the doors open, immediately catching sight of Andrew sitting in the back, waiting patiently for your arrival.

"Hey, Andrew," You greeted. 

He looked at you and smiled, though there was a strange mischievous glint in his charcoal dark eyes. "Hey, (Y/N). You seem out of breath, you alright?"

"Oh, I'm fine."

You ordered a coffee, though Andrew didn't order anything.

"I brought a few books on Ancient Egypt," You said, sliding them out of your bag.

You created a new presentation on your laptop, labeling it 'Ancient Egypt: (Y/N) and Andrew'.

"Okay. First we should do an introduction."

"Egypt is a country, linking the Middle East to Africa. It used to be an old ancient civilization, lasting for five centuries and five decades," Andrew said.

You gazed at him with fascination. "Wow, you surely did your homework."

He shrugged as you typed the information. The next slide had more details of it's location, about the Nile River and how it gave Egyptians the ability to plant and harvest crops. The second slide was about the Pharaohs. 

Andrew knew a lot about Egypt.

"Wow. You must really love Egypt," You grinned at him.

"I do," Andrew replied. "I take it you have an interest in it."

"Yeah. But you know a lot more than I do. We're barely doing any research!" You exclaimed, sipping your coffee.

You and Andrew made a lot of progress. You felt gradually more comfortable around Andrew, but something was still unsettling about him.

"Well, I should go home now. We are going to get this project done in no time!" You smiled enthusiastically.

Andrew chuckled lightly. "See you tomorrow, (Y/N)."

You shivered from the tone of his voice. It reminded you of someone...

You quickly headed home, taking the long way so you didn't have to pass the cemetery again. You swore that that jackal was indeed Anubis. The ankh symbol and piercing golden eyes gave it away. One thing's for sure...

He knows where you are.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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