chapter 1

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I stared up at the grey sky snow falling in my face everything hurt... It was also cold outside I inhaled the cold air just waiting to die... I had a smile on my face as tear's streamed down my face I was happy it would all be over soon... My vision blurred and went blank as I could hear footsteps then silence...

- stranger's  POV -

I walked through the park my hands in my pocket until I saw a blurry figure on the ground further down the park. I started running twords it once I reached the figure I was shocked from what I saw it was a girl around my age she was bleeding badly. I instantly panicked and with reflex I picked her up and ran as fast as I could to get to the hospital. Once I arived I rushed  to the front desk panting the lady looked up shocked and quickly got the girl rushed to the emergancy room  I was scared... but I didn't know why but soon I would... I waited in the waiting room until a doctor walked up to me and said I could come in the room I nodded and sat in a chair next to the females bed her eyes were closed she was normally breathing I was glad she was breathing normally and what not but she looked very pale and had many cuts,bruises all over her and it turned out she fucked up her right arm really bad.

- Uri's POV -

I woke in a unfamiliar room my vision was blurry as I sat up and looked to my left there sat a girl with short blond hair tied back into a small pony tail. It confused me until she spoke with a soft sweet voice which made me feel quite relaxed and secure.

'' Im glad your awake darling!!!''

I was confused what did she mean darling AM I DEAD???? finally!

'' Oh yeah sorry im Lana and i call everyone darling sorry heh..''

'' ....Im Uri nice to meet you...''

'' Nice to meet you Uri!!!''

She sounded relieved about something that made me more confused as I already was to make it worse I could barely see the girl

'' Uhh do you happen to have my glasses..?''

I reluctantly said as she look twords the table next to the bed and handed me my glasses.I grabbed them put them on.  I could finally see the female clearly she was wearing a light coat some jeans and black converse... she looked so adorable and innocent curse my sexuality i said to myself.

'' So why am I  here who are you and what do you want?'' 

'' Right with the questions well let me exsplain!''

After she finished speaking I was no longer confused but really hungry as my stomach growled she just looked at me and slightly chuckled. 

'' Ill go get the nurse so be right back. ''

I nodded after a few minuite's of  waiting she returned with a nurse and some jello plus water. She placed the water and jello down right as she did i started to plow down she just chuckled and checked her phone. the nurse looked at us smiled then broke the news. 

'' So uri dear do you have any where to stay once you leave the hospital?''

I looked up at her my smile disapeared and my voice was low...

'' I dont want to..'' 

Right as I was about to finish my sentance my mother came bursting through the door acting all worried it wasn't suprising. The nurse and lana left to give us some time I wished they stayed. my mothers voice was raised her eyes violent as they usually were...                                                                      

'' Hey piece of shit look at me NOW!!!''

 She said pulling my hair to make me look at her I just stared emotionless not even showing a inc of pain once she let go walking up to the door and said one last thing.

'' I wished you died you worthless piece of shit.''

I looked at her and spoke softly with tears starting to stream down my face with a forced smile.

'' So do I... I do wish I was dead to...''

With that she walked out the door and told the nurse she no longer could care for this monster... Monstrosity... Animal... I was happy she was gone as lana walked in she realized my tears and ran twords me asking all sorts of questions... Heh someone cared.. It slightly made my stomache sick but couldn't help smile at how worried she was... It was adorable damn I thought to myself im sick... I held my stomach and turned and as I new it I was being sick damn I  must've ate to fast or to much  ha... curse me and my sexuality my disorders and my anxiety.. I mumbled between gags for air and vomit...

(A/N):sorry this chapter was so long it has about 896 words damn. I wanted to get it all out hehe... I hope you enjoyed im having fun writing this im gonna try to write the next chapter some point this weekend or today but that's only if my sickness lets me im exhausted just from editing and writing this haha... i have a really sore throught so we'll see what happens!!!                                                                                                                                           -england/pankushi)

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