chapter six

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The teenagers stared at each other. It had been like this since an hour ago when the feast ended. Sixth year had only just begun and already they both knew it would be a long year. And Flamel! If looks could kill...

Professor McGonagall wrung her hands in exasperation while looking between the two. "Well," she laughed nervously. "Any questions, you two?"

The blond Slytherin scowled. "Yeah. Will I be expelled if I murder my roommate?"

The professor looked to Charlotte, who said with furious hand gestures, "Does this really look like a good idea?!" Her eyes flashed silver.

Minerva snapped at them. "You do realize that both of you are put together? There is NOTHING you can do? Both of you-"

"Hate each other," finished Draco.

"No offense, Professor, but have you learned anything these past six years?" Charlotte groaned. "Harry gets Ginny and Ron gets Hermione, but I get Malfoy?"

"Yes, and I have come to the conclusion that both of you must learn to live harmoniously." Minerva took a deep breath. "The choosing, as you both know, is random. No one to my knowledge rigged the hat and choosing. I can not control this, so please, you two, just love with it? Will you?"

Draco scowled and glares at his professor. "You do realize that this isn't just about living together? It's also about marrying each other. I will not, under any circumstances, marry the daughter of a mudblood-"

Charlotte was about to slap him. "You areshole!"

"Quiet!" Professor McGonagall yelled. "Now!" She took another deep breath. "You know Hogwarts' situation. Now this is yours. Figure it out." With that and a swish of her robe, she was gone.

Charlotte and Draco were quiet for a few minutes, fuming within.

It was Charlotte who spoke up. "I don't care if two people are left at Hogwarts, and it's Dumbledore and Snape, I will not have your babies."

Draco rolled his eyes. "I can barely stand looking at you- forget touching you." He grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the fireplace.

"Malfoy! What in the bloody hell are you doing?" Charlotte demanded, attempting to break free, but with no avail.

"Quiet, idiot," he muttered. "We're going to our new home, Potter." They got into the dusty fireplace and Draco yelled while throwing in the green Floo powder, "34 Pinelane Drive!"

Off they went. Charlotte thought for sure that her stomach would switch places with her throat as she twisted and turned in an invisible tube. There was reason as to why she only used Apparition. 

She was glad when they stopped and they landed in the fireplace of their new home. She'd already seen this yesterday when Trelawney- of all people- showed her around, as it was her new living quarters before any idea of marrying Draco Malfoy was in the equation.

Apparently, Draco had already seen this too, because he immediately started laying ground rules. "Firstly, Potter, and get this through your dim brain, as you can see, there is only one room, one bed. We alternate between sleeping on the bed and the couch. Clear?"

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "I'd rather be tortured before i got into bed with you."

"Second, when my friends are here, you leave the house. I don't want you around," Draco continued, ignoring her comment. 

Charlotte smiled sweetly. "Aw, how cute. Malfoy thinks his friends are coming over," she said with mock sweetness. She reached over and pinched this cheek, causing him to slap her away. "You are so cute." Her smile disappeared and she dropped the sarcasm. "Yeah, no. You either go to their house or meet them somewhere. I'd rather throw myself off the Astronomy tower than have your friends over, plotting a scheme for the destruction of the world."

Draco rolled his own eyes. "Fine, Potter, but then that means you can't have your friends over. Especially your brother."

Charlotte smiled again. "Which one?"

He scowled. "Both."

"Fine. Any other rules?"

"They're not rules, they're guidelines. And yes. Don't step foot near my things."

"Okay, see? You know what I would rather do? I would rather chop off my fingers one by one, swim in a pool of rubbing alcohol and razors- you know what those are, right?- and then proceed to set myself on fire." She laughed. "Yeah, don't worry, I won't be going anywhere near you."

Draco smirked. "Maybe I should ask you one day- I'd like to see you torture yourself." He disapparated before Charlotte could slap hit him again."

Charlotte rolled her eyes and groaned. This year was going to be a long one

they're so cute i'm in love 

so the song for this chapter is 

Are We Ready (Wreck)- Two Door Cinema Club

honestly this song is about the mass corporation devouring our souls but i listened to this song while writing this chapter so there you go.

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