chapter twenty-one

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True to Narcissa's word, Charlotte did come back, on November 11. She walked in, appraised her surroundings, said, "Reckoned you'd keep the place up," and then disappeared into her old took. She didn't even acknowledge Draco, who was sitting on the couch, parchment paper and four books opened before him, looking tired and more stressed than he had in ages. He was shell shocked at how easily she just came back-


Draco shot up from the couch, running to her room. He narrowly missed a dusty book that she lobbed at his head. Draco backed into the wall. "Ok, Charlotte-"

"You. Arse!" Charlotte yelled at him, grabbing the first thing in front of her to throw- a vase. "A death eater?! Are you stupid?!"

Draco cursed under his breath, whipping out his wand and yelling, "Petrificus Totalus!"

A look of terror overcame Charlotte's face. The vase dropped from her hands, and her arms snapped to her sides as she fell against the bedroom door, slipping forward on her feet a little and hitting the book. Nothing but her eyes moved as she attempted to scream in their minds- but even her mind was petrified.

Draco moved cautiously toward her, hands up in surrender. Without breaking eye contact, he leaned forward, picking up the book. He glanced at the title out of curiosity- We Have Always Lived in the Castle- before quickly standing back up.

"Charlotte-I- I can explain." Knowing she would not hurt him, he came even closer. "I will undo the bound if you promise not to throw anything. I'll explain everything."

Her eyes said yes. With a breath of relief, he undid the spell. Charlotte immediately let out a scream, lunging for him. Draco caught her by her wrists. "Charlotte!" He shouted at her. "Please! Just-listen!" He fought to calm her down. "I'm- not- going to- hurt you!"

All Charlotte did was fight more. She growled and screamed, fighting to get his hands off of her. Draco didn't know what to do.

You can call her down, came the voice in his head.

How? Draco growled back. You don't think I'm been trying to do this?

Kiss her, came the reply.

Draco physically froze for a split second, and Charlotte took this time to lunge forward, knocking Draco down into his back. She fell on top of him, hitting and scratching him.

Take hold of her hands. Squeeze them.

Draco took hold of her wrists, so tightly that she stilled, her eyes widening. Fear flashed in her silver eyes, and Draco almost felt pity. He pulled her forward, causing her to come even closer. Draco pulled her down until their lips touched.

Immediately, the fire within Charlotte- within them- calmed. She melted against him-into him. Draco rose slowly with her, turning to the side until he was on top. He could kiss her forever and-

"No." Charlotte opened her eyes and pushed him away. "You can't-"

"Why not?" Draco asked, annoyance flashing across his face. And then he remembered. "Charlotte, please let me explain."

Charlotte looked disgusted. "Explain what?" She shook her head. "You know, Draco, I thought I could trust you. But you're just-" Her voice broke. "You're just a killer."

Draco scrambled to his feet. "No, Charlotte. I'm- I'm not a killer." He grabbed her hand, causing her retreating figure to turn back.

She recoiled. "I can't be here anymore. Not with you around."

Draco felt fear, dread, horror, wash over him. "You're leaving?" She didn't say anything back, just stood there her arms hanging limply at her sides. Something inside him broke loose. "You can't leave."

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