when you are feeling insignificant

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When you are feeling insignificant:

1. A mayfly has an average lifespan of twenty-four hours. Their existence is considered ‘fascinating,’ ‘fleeting,’ and is devoted entirely to ensuring more life will follow their own. You, on the other hand, are expected to survive for 701265 hours. Your existence is devoted to whatever the hell you want it to be.

2. You are currently operating the most complex machine on earth without a second thought. You were never taught how to breathe; you have never had to tell your heart to beat or your nerves to feel the warmth of his hand in yours.

3. You can fall in love.

4. You can also fall out of love, but your ribs will still be intact no matter how much your dirty sheets scream ‘you’re falling apart, you’re falling apart.’ Boys are not everything. Girls are not everything. People are not everything. An immeasurable amount of cells are working to hold you together. They deserve your primary attention. They do not deserve to suffer because some boy with callused fingers and chapped lips doesn’t want you anymore.

5. You can break the rules. You can sneak out of the house wearing what your mother would consider ‘half an outfit’ and decide that it makes you happy.

6. It’s okay to be unapologetic. It’s okay to not regret your bad decisions. Move forward; crack the rust out of your knuckles whenever you feel yourself standing still.

7. Crying helps you fall asleep. Wake up and force yourself to smile in the bathroom mirror.

8. Embrace the fact that you’re an absolute nutcase.

9. You have the incredible ability to laugh. Laugh at stupid jokes and bad puns and every piece of shitty artwork you swore would never see the light of day (your stick figures are fucking hilarious; stop comparing yourself to Da Vinci).

10. Elephants are extraordinarily empathetic. They will put themselves in harm’s way to protect another life. They will create everlasting friendships. You could potentially have your life saved by another species and what a miracle it is to even be alive. 

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