Chapter Three- I lost my best friend

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Kaidance POV

I was lying on my bed and I started to think of the second night Dakota moved in and Cobie was staying the night. It was so hilarious.


We walked into the house and I went to turn on the TV when I was tackled by a 400+lb tiger. "WHOA! WHAT IS THAT!?" Dakota yelled in fear as he and Cobie hide behind Leland. "My tiger, Arabella." I said with a sweet smile. "TIGERS EAT PEOPLE!" Cobie yelled. "That is not true! If it was then I would be dead." I said and went to feed Arabella. As I was cutting up the meat, Arabella kept teasing the boys by jumping and roaring at them. I giggled and sat the bowl down. "Arabella, quit teasing the boys." I said while laughing. She stopped and went to eat. "I-Is she friendly?" Cobie asked, his vioce uneasy. I nodded and we went to watch TV.


As I laughed to myself, I started to wonder where Arabella was. I looked at the time and it was 1:15pm. She doesn't go anywhere at this time of day, I thought to myself. I got up and went to look for her. I looked everywhere around the house but I couldn't find her. I found Dakota sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Dakota can you please help me find Arabella?" I asked with tears brimming in my eyes. "Yeah, sure. Did you look in the house, the backyard?" he asked and I nodded as tears fell from my eyes. I can't lose Arabella! She is my only family left. Without her...I have no one. "Hey, Hey come here." Dakota said softly, pulling me into his embrace. I cried harder into his chest.

"Shh...Shhh...We'll find her, Kaidance." He said while rubbing my back soothingly. "I hope so." I said sniffling. We walked outside and Dakota said "We are going to have to go on foot. I didn't get my driver's license."

"Its okay. I didn't get mine either." I said with a small smile. We started down the street, calling her name. She didn't come. I started to panic.


Dakota's POV

The sun was starting to set and we still didn't find her. "Come on, its getting late." I said and Kaidance looked at me with saddness in her eyes. I know how much she loves Arabella and it killed me to say that we had to go. "But Dakota we still didn't find her. Can we please keep looking a little longer?" she asked with a pouty face. She didn't even have to do the pouty face, I would have said yes either way.

"Okay but 1 hour and that's it, okay?" I asked and she nodded happily. We started looking almost close to the beach and still didn't find her. The sun was really starting to set and it was time to go home. On the way home, Kaidance kept crying. It pained me to see her like this. We walked through the front door and saw Grandma and dad in the kitchen.

"Hey...what's wrong, Kaidance?" Grandma said as she held Kaidance close to her. "Arabella...she's gone." she sobbed. Dad and Grandma looked at each other and then dad hung his head down. "Kaidance, sweetheart. Leland and I have something to tell you." Grandma said and Kaidance looked up at her waiting to here what it was. "Leland and I took Arabella to the zoo." Grandma said with sorrow. Kaidance shook her head and pushed Grandma away. "WHY?!" Kaidance shouted at them as she shook with anger. They didn't say anything for a little bit. "Because, Kaidance, she was getting to big and she is still a wild animal and could attack us at any time." Dad said. "She has been with me all her life. She has NEVER attacked anybody." Kaidance said and I agree with her. Arabella has never attacked anyone if she has been living here since she was a cub.

Dad and Grandma looked down, not wanting to make any eye contact with Kaidance. Kaidance shook her head and said "I hate you both." and took off out the door.

Kaidance's POV

I ran out the door and down the street. I know where I was heading to. Its the only place that calms me. "KAIDANCE!" I could hear Dakota shouting my name but I wasn't stopping. I kept running until I could hear the waves crash against rocks and other waves. I looked around the beach and seen that no one was here. Well, I guess not if its dark out.

I walked over to some rocks and climbed up them until I was at the top. I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest and cried. How could they do that? How could they give her away without consulting with me first? I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't hear Dakota come up behind me and pull me into his lap.

I cried into his chest and he rubbed my back soothingly and said to just let it out. And I did. I couldn't stop the tears that kept flowing out my eyes.

When there were no more tears coming out, I looked up at Dakota and he starred deeply into my eyes. It was like he was looking into my soul. He wiped my stray tears away with his thumb and caressed my cheek with his soft hand.

He leaned in and kissed me ever so gently. My eyes fluttered closed as I kissed him back and ran my fingers through the nape of his soft brown hair. He pulled me closer to him not wanting to break the kiss.

I pulled away for air and looked into his chocolate brown eyes. "Kaidance...can I tell you something?" He asked with a sigh. I nodded as I was lost for words. He looked like he was debating with himself as if he should tell me or not.

"Can we not tell anyone about the kiss?" He said and I looked at him but then nodded.

I know that's not what he wanted to tell me but he will tell me whatever it is when he is ready.

I don't know but I think I'm falling for Dakota.

A/N: I am so sorry that it took so long to update. But hey thanks for the 2k reads and for people that have voted and commented on my chapters. It means a lot to me that you like it. Well vote comment and I will update soon. Love you guys!

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