2. Babysitting

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The rest of the day seems to go by very slowly. I just can't seem to get that boy out of my head. Calum.

When class soon ends, I make my way to my locker, and load my backpack with all my books I need.

I begin to walk out of the school and head home. Since I don't have a car, I walk home to and from school.

I actually enjoy it, I like walking and enjoying the outdoors. Its when I clear my mind and just focus on certain things in my life.

I quickly make my way to the sidewalk. When I'm off of school property, I begin to walk at a slower pace.

"Daisy!" I hear a familiar voice call from behind me, I turn around to see whom the voice belongs to. "daisy hey!" He calls, waving his hand in the air.

"Calum," I smile. "hi." I say.

"You walk home?" he asks.

"Yeah, everyday." I answer. "To and from school." I add to be exact.

"Oh, I didn't know." Calum says, pouting his lip to the side. "I only walk whenever I feel like it, I guess." he shrugs. I smile.

"That's cool." I say, not really sure of what to say. "well, I should get going." I say turning around to begin walking again.

"Oh, mind of I tag along?" he calls after me, I hear his feet running to catch up.

"Not at all." I reply.

"I'm headed to my mates house." He tells me. "he lives down this path and then once you reach the end of the path into the neighborhood you turn right." he chirps.

"Oh, haha I turn left."

"Oh, cool."


The rest of the walk was filled with awkward silence, we said our goodbyes at the end if the path where we went our different ways.

Calum seems like a pretty nice boy.

"I'm home!" I shout as I walk into my house. "Dad?" I call. I walk into our living room and see my dad sound asleep with the tv remote in his hands. I shake my head and silently laugh. typical dad.

My father works in a company and gets home before I do, he's usually exhausted by the time he gets home. He usually watches some football and then falls asleep.

My mom works at a nursing home and usually doesn't get home until around ten o'clock.

I walk up to my bed room and shut the door. I take of my shoes and place them in my closet.

I plug my ipod into my doc, 'cable car' by The Fray soon begins to play.

I sit down on my window seat and start to work on my homework assignments.

(His POV)

When I get to Ashton's I knock on the door, Ashton's chirpy face greets me.

"Hello Calum." he beams, stepping aside so that I can walk into the house.

"Hey Ash." I reply, we walk into the basement where the rest of the boys are. They are squished on the couched scrolling through their phones.

"What took you so long?" Michael asks, standing up from the couch. I shrug.

"I had to run a quick errand." I lie, speaking quickly.

"Oh okay," Michael shrugs, and gives me a pat on the back.

"Okay! let's get banding!" Ashton yelp, and jumps up in the air.

We practice in Ashton's basement, his drum set is set up in the corner of the basement, we have only three working microphones. We were moving things and Ashton crushed the microphone under Luke's amp. We are hoping to get enough money from out gig in two weeks to buy a new microphone.

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