4. Lunch

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Daisy rolled out of bed the next morning and made her way to her bathroom. She yawned as she took a look in the mirror and she cringed because of how bad she looked.

She turned on the shower and stripped of her clothes. She put her hand under the water to make sure it was warm enough before entering the shower.

She quickly washed her hair and body.

She stepped out of the shower and wrapped her towel tightly around her body. She walked back to her room, closing the door behind her and looked for something to wear.

She finally decided on a plain white shirt, a black cardigan, and a pair of denim jeans. Simple. She pulled out her black Toms from her small shoe rack at the bottom of her closet and slid them on.

She walked to her desk and looked in the mirror, she took her towel and began to dry her hair with it. When she finished she brushed through her long blonde her and pulled it into a low pony tail. She decided to put on a little of mascara, and a coat of light pink lip gloss before putting on her glasses.

Daisy was a simple girl. She wore plain clothes and only occasionally wore makeup (but never a lot just a little bit). She often thought that she was a boring person, she didn't really have many friends. So that meant that she never went out, she usually just stayed at home and read a book.

Calum on the other hand was the exact opposite. He was outgoing and had lots of friends. He was always going to party's or doing other things with his friends.


It was 6:50 and Calum was rushing to get his things together before going to school. Like always he was gonna be late for school which started at 7:30.

He quickly brushed his teeth, and messily styled his hair. He found a shirt lying on the floor and quickly slipped it on, not caring if it was dirty or not. He pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and sprayed his cologne. He grabbed his back pack and rushed downstairs. As he left the door he slid on his vans and rushed off to school.

At 7:00 Daisy arrived at school, she always left her house at 6:45, that allowed her to arrive at her school thirty minutes before school started.

She walked to her locker and grabbed her Chemistry books and closed her locker. She made her way to the library greeting the librarian as she say down.

She pulled out her book which was Looking for Alaska by John Green. Her English teacher Ms.Gilbert has recommended it to her, and so far she was really enjoying it. She never really ever had a favorite genre. She liked all genres, she would read whatever she was in the mood for, whether it was; fantasy, mystery, romance. She would always have her nose in a book.

At 7:20 she headed to her first period class (being the first student in the classroom), she say down at her desk and greeted her teacher Mr.Len.

"Good morning Daisy." he beamed as he wrote down today's lesson on the chalkboard.

"Good morning Mr.Len." she replied and opened up her book, she began to read and didn't notice as the classroom filled up.


"Shit." Calum cursed under his breath as he closed his locker and rushed to his first class.


He ran through the hallways bumping into people, not even bother to apologize. As he approached the classroom it was '7:29'. He swung the door open and all eyes were on him.

"There you are Mr.Hood." his English teacher Ms.Clan grumbled as she looked at him. "you're lucky that I'm not marking you as tarty, considering that it's 7:29, and class is suppose to stay in 25 seconds." she says. "This is your last warning, next time it's detention." she scolds, him. His cheeks flush as he hears Luke and Michael's snickers from the back of the classroom.

He rushes to his desk, and plops down in his seat.


At lunch time Daisy slowly walks to the lunch room, mumbling "excuse me" and "sorry" as she bumps into people. As she waits in line she reads from her book, when it's her turn to get her food she gets her usual. A Caesar salad, an apple, and a carton of skim milk.

She walks over to her usual table and sits down, she pours her dressing on her spas and shakes it up. She opens her book and begins to eat as she reads.

"Michael how many times do you plan on dying your hair?" Luke asks asks Michael as the three boys sit at their usual lunch table.

"Yeah, seriously Michael you're gonna be bald soon." Calum agrees as he looks as his purple haired friend.

"I don't know," Michael shrugs. "I take good care of my hair. I don't think I'm gonna go bald anytime soon." he argues.

"Sure." Luke mumbles as he unwraps his burger. Calum chuckles and takes a sip of his chocolate milk. He looks around the lunch room trying to find Daisy's.

He spots her reading a different book as she was yesterday, Calum smiles and takes out his phone and types in her name in his contacts. Last night she had left her number on Ashton's refrigerator, so He added it to his contacts.

You look lonely

Are you watching me?


oh...ummm.... Ok.

wanna come join us?

thanks for the offer, but no sorry. I'm good where I am.

What book are you reading?

Looking for Alaska by John Green. :)

Is it any good?

Yes, very.

Well I'll leave you alone now. I don't want to interrupt your reading.

It's fine I don't mind ;)


During the whole lunch period, Calum and Daisy texted. Daisy felt happy that someone was actually talking to her. She got to know him a little bit, and Calum got to know Daisy.

When Calum reached his English classroom he say down and looked over at Daisy who was still reading.

"Hey stranger." he said and nudged her arm, she looked up from her book and smiled at Calum.

"Hi Calum." she said shyly. He looked at Calum's face, and through that he was kind of cute.

"Hi." He said gazing into Daisy's gorgeous green eyes, Daisy smiled awkwardly as Calum stared at Daisy. "So are gonna come to our gig friday?" he asks breaking up the awkwardness.

"Uhh... yeah probably." she replies and Calum smiled.



After school Daisy and Calum walked home together, Calum making Daisy laugh.

Daisy liked Calum, he was nice and funny... and not to mention, kind of cute. He made her smile and laugh, something that she hasn't done in a while and she was glad.

Calum on the other hand, thought Daisy was gorgeous. He's liked her ever since he saw her the other day. He knew that he wanted to be with her. She was the perfect girl in Calum's eyes.

"Well thanks for walking me home." Daisy laughed as they approached her house.

"No problem," Calum shrugs. "I was heading to Ashton's house anyways so..." he adds and rocks back on his heels.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow." she says and waves goodbye as she walks into her house.

All night, the two of them couldn't wipe the smile of their faces. They couldn't get each other out of their head. It was like they were made for one another.


Yay or nay?

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