It was going to end soon. You know it will all end I thought to myself as I cried in the closet.

What finn

You ok he said softly


He opened the closet  looked at me hug me tightly and said I know your not
(Can I get a bf like this onee likeee dammmmmm)

Why was I crying in a dusty costume clost? Because I had recently experienced a  break up

Before I got the role in the it movie I was in stranger things (and  me and finn were besties since like day 1). But I wasnt dating anyone I was shy and got bulled in school and I was  soooooo emo and the first person that came up  to me and said hi was noah. Then we started liking eachother and started dating.

Y/n? Finn said

Yes finn? know we should get going hehehe wow is that a airplane outside?

Oh finn theres no windows in this closet


Well lets go ok

Finns pov

And.....ACTION andy yelled

Hey richie! Y/n said

Oh hey..... lina


CUT!!! Andy yelled

Im sorry....ill do it ok I..I p..prom..iss

Y/n are you ok? I asked

Ye...No she cried

I think thats enough fir today ok y/n ? Andy said

And then Sophia came out of nowere and said

Ok hoes lets got to the closet

I rolled my eyes

I swear to god If I go in another closet ima get dust allergys like dammmm

Sophia rolled her eyes

Yeah me and sophia didnt get along and I have nothing to do with her ever

(Lies I love sophia)

Time skip to finn and y/n room in the IT manshion

So.....I started (still finns pov)



She sniffed

Remember when u bought me that blue race car for my birthday?

She sniffed

Yes.....she said

And I brought it to show and tell?


And then blake the primary school bully stole it from my hands and I cried my eyes out and told u he stole it so you punched him square in the nose and wrote fuck you bastard on his locker and go my car back?

Yeah she chuckled in between sniffs
And I got suspended for 2 weeks she laughed while saying that

And remember that time someone pushed me so you grabed ther collar and pushed them down the stairs?

Yeah who could forget? He fractured 3 bones and then I got suspended for 3 weeks she said laughing

Oh and who could forget the time in kindergarden when some one stood on my snadcastle and u got angry because it took me two days to make it so you put dog poop in his lunch box abd stood on his face I say and laughed

She laughed wiping away her tears
Yeah I got suspended for 5weeks best weeks of my life she said

I smiled

You know what finn im not gonna cry about this im gonna look hot and go out with You

Oh so we made a plan already

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