Next! I yelled

Hi bitch! Korianna said

Hey shithead I said back

Well ur gurl kory just fucked jonas in the toilets smoked his pot and left his ass

With protection?

Omg lina shut the fuck up u mom

Im just saying my best bitch cant have babys bro

Oh fuck off lina!


------time skip brought to u by your best bitch-----

Ok these bitches are joining my squad

Becky johnson im gonna call u becks

Joey graceffa (XD)

Betty rimpson aka bad bitch (yes bitch! Shes alive)

Sky (yes bitch thats u @finnsmagnolia)

And kori aka my best bitch

-----time skip brought to u by finn wolfard-----


Hey mom dad.....

Hey honey what brings u home?


Ok henry um hi honey

Fuck u mom


Lets go henry mom and dads sucking each others faces

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