Chapter 4: A call from America

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Sunday morning..

[10:00 am]

Kuroko's POV

Now I'm doing my homeworks for tomorrow, until my phone rings, then I picked to see who was calling me and it was written: Kagami Taiga.

Then I answered it.

(Phone conversation)

"Yo! Tetsuya!!"

"Hi Taiga-kun."

"It's been a while. How ya doing and how's Shige?"

"I'm fine and so does Shige. How's Alex and Tastuya-kun?"

"Alex and Tastuya are fine. Hey here's Tastuya, he wants to talk to you as well."

"Hi Tetsuya!"

"Hello Tatsuya-kun."

"Haha! Guess what? Taiga fell asleep in our class, he was probably having another basketball dream..haha then he..haha..he hit our teacher's head like he was gonna make a shot hahaha!" Tatsuya-kun said, while laughing.

Then I laugh too but a little.

"Oy Tatsuya-teme!! I'll kill you later! And don't laugh Tetsuya-teme" Taiga-kun said. Yep, when Taiga-kun gets angry he adds -teme at end.

"Gomen Taiga-kun." I smiled.

"Then here this one as well." Taiga said and I think that his smirking for revenge right now.

"Don't tell him!" Tatsuya-kun said

"Too late~ hahaha! Yesterday at the end of our game match with our friends, he went to buy pizza, french fries or hamburgers or something. Tatsuya got a 4 big slices of pizza while I got 30 hamburgers..."

'Well no suprise here...' I thought and sweatdropped. How much of a glutton can he be ?

"Haha..then while eating our food Tatsuya was holding his pocket and the pizza at same time hahaha the he hahahahaahaha..he dropped his wallet on the floor and he lost 18 dollars hahaha cause some coins rolled into a manhole and some money flew way cause of the wind hahahaha!!" as he continued while laughing out loud like a maniac.

"Mou! Taiga!" Tatsuya-kun whined.

"Ha! Serves you right Tatsuya!"

"*sighs* so Tetsuya, what high school that are you going right now?" Tatsuya-kun asked.

"Rakuzan High." I answered.

"Wow. Seriously!? I heard that is a very difficult school to attend."

"Well yeah. I got in cause of my scholarship."

"Oh.." both of them said.

"Hey I heard from Shige that you have a part-time job. Is it true?"


"Woah. But does your school doesn't allow you to have a part-time job?"

"Yes but I've got luckily the permission."

"Ok so what work are you doing?"

"I'm a waiter at a coffee shop. Plus they pay 1000 per hour."

"Really!? That's cool! I envy you.."

"Oh Tetsuya! Alex says 'hi'." Taiga-kun said.

"Thanks. Say hi from me too."

"Well we need to go now. Bye Tetsuya!" Tatsuya-kun and Taiga-kun said.

"Bye Taiga-kun. Bye Tatsuya-kun."

And we ended our phone conversation.

Then I continued my homework, I already finished Science and Geography, all I need to do is Japanese Literature then I'm done.


After I finished all my homeworks I went down to the basement to wash some dirty clothes. Every Sunday or Saturday I do the chores.

First I wash up the dishes and dry them with the towel and put them back in the drawers; Second I water my garden; Third I cleaned with a broom all the floors then I mopped it.

Fourth I dusted some dust in every corner, then I cleaned the bathroom.

When the washing machine was cleaning, I went upstairs to clean all the house; then after that I went back to the basement to control the washing machine and it was done.

So put the wet clothes into the dry washer then I pressed the button.
After 15 minutes and a half, I took it off the clothes, then I placed the table to stretch and start ironing the clothes.

And finally I put the cothes in my wardrobe and some drawers in my bedroom.

Finally I finished cleaning the entire house. After that I went upstairs and went to the music room also called library cause it's a room with many books and with some instruments..

The room it's separated: on the right side, there's the library part while on the other side, there's the music part with some instruments.

I have drums, four flutes, two violins, three acoustic guitars, two piano and two elettric guitars.

My grandmother was a music teacher, and I learned all this instruments thanks to her, while my mom taught me how to play the flute and the piano.

Right now I want to play a song so I grabbed my guitar and play 'My Immortal' by Evanescence.


I don't know why but...I'm crying right now...

I miss you grandma...and mom and dad...

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