World Meeting

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Norway entered the meeting room and let out a sigh of relief. Nothing was quite wrong now-it was as normal as a World Meeting could be. England restling with France and Romania calmly sitting down. Others were making a few chatters here and there, or, well, sharing intimate moments.

"You are a git, France! Bloody hell, who knew you could come and steal my tea–"

"Ohonohon, well, Angleterre, I can be a bit of a surprise, you see."

"Oh, do you mean, you can be bit of a frog, you bloody France? Did you know, frogs can be a real pervert, just like–" England stopped mid sentence. He had noticed that his eyes had flashed silver-a beginning of a symptom, as the trio discovered yesterday.

Luckily, Romania noticed but, not being able to say anything, he just rolled his eyes at France, thrusting between the horrified Brit and the seemingly calm French.

Luckily, before France could question Romania on disturbing their little fight, America hollered out to everyone, standing on top of his chair. "Let's start the meeting! Of course, I shall choose our great topic! Global Warming!" So the meeting drowsed on, and, when Romania retreated to his seat, he could see that everyone was getting bored.

Soon, everyone was fighting again, or indulging themselves in side conversations. Germany had to quiet them up, as he pointed at each of the nations for them to speak. He practically screamed at the top of his lungs, directed at the country nearest him.

"Italy! You may speak."

Italy, for once, didn't look scared at Germany's screaming, and, instead, smiled widely. "PAASSSSTAAAAAAA~" (Yeah this is from ep 1-brings back memories doesn't it!)

"Italy, that is not a solution! Next, Japan! You may speak."

"Ah, Doitsu-san, I would agree with America-san."

It continued on through the G8 and then it came the turn of England.

"Ah, um, I think everything will be okay once France leaves."

"What, you pervert?"

"And here I was, thinking you were the pervert!"

Once again, the meeting droned on. After Australia's turn, in which, he had asked for a supply of water to dump down on Earth, everybody had come to an silent agreement that this topic was for a later meeting.

"Okay, everybody return to their countries."

Everyone started to leave, except for three specific countries who's eyes flashed white just now. They stayed where they was, ignoring the curious gazes of fellow countries.

"Oi, Norway, COME ON! We gotta move, move!" Denmark's loud voice said.

"Um, I... need to discuss magic stuff. You guys go ahead."

The only other person except the magic trio that remained was China, the country the meeting was being held.

"What are you guys still doing here aru?"

"We are discussing magic stuff-uhh, we'll be out soon. Hopefully." Norway added the last part quietly, and so, China looked at them oddly before going out of the room.

"Okay, can anybody move?"

"Uhh, it hurts."


"Then DON'T MOVE!"

"You just told me to move!"

"No I didn't!"

"Uhh, Norway, since when did you shout like that?"

"And since when were you sarcastic, Romania?"

"I sometimes am!"

"Guys our personalities are changing!"

"Shut up!"

"Norway don't act England!"

"And you don't act me!"


Okay, give yourself a pat on your back if you could figure out who was saying what in the last part-cause I kinda did it at random :)

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