Chapter 3: Coalescence and Solidarity

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Disclaimer: The following chapter is of a graphic nature and could be emotionally upsetting for any Android #17 fans. Please take this into account.

A great distance away from Goku, Cell felt the same spike in energy that Goku had sensed.

Cell had a bad feeling about this, especially since he sensed the rage within that ki signature and didn't feel another close by.

"Major Sylvester, I have news," Cell said.

"What?" the major asked.

"Please, let me use my energy to propel this ship faster. I believe I sense something important."

Sylvester pondered this request.

"You do realize that if you try anything that even remotely appears to be suspect that I will take immediate action against you."

"I know."

All who had rejoiced in Sixteen and Eighteen being found alive were now rushing toward a new destination.

They didn't want to lose sight of the androids after finding them at last, and rather than being forced to drag them along against their will, both had willingly wanted to come out of intrigue for the present situation.

"Dad, what do think is going on?" Gohan asked as his father flew alongside him on his right.

"I'm not sure, Gohan. But something tells me we're not going to like what we find."

The group moved as speedily as it could toward Yunzabito Heights, the spot where Kami had touched down on Earth and had lived for many years before he had become the planet's guardian.

The cold, dry air filled their lungs and brushed past their faces as the barren wasteland before them filled all with a sense of foreboding.

Gohan saw a golden aura flicker and dance about the island. Then, he heard a resounding shout.

"Say 'goodbye,' you filthy android!" Vegeta yelled as he smashed Android Seventeen in the side of the head and sent him plummeting to the ground below.

Gohan was still too far away to see for sure, but he could have sworn, even at that distance, that Seventeen looked very, very bloody.

Yes, bloody.

As in human blood.

Because, as Cell had explained, Seventeen and Eighteen were once human.

Gohan had finally come to recognize them as human, just like his mother, and half of himself within.

Who, other than that bastard whom Gohan hoped was rotting in Hell, could ever know what atrocities the two of them had suffered in becoming killing machines?

It was one thing for Gero to try and kill his father. It was another to hurt even more lives in the process.

Especially when it came to torturing innocent children.

The entire group approached even closer, then landed, with Vegeta facing perpendicular to them, looking down upon the being whom had become his prey.

Gohan now got a good look at Seventeen.

Goku saw the look on his son's face, and couldn't blame him.

The android was bleeding profusely all over.

His face was slightly disfigured.

His nose was clearly broken, and metallic parts could be seen coming out of both his arms and through his clothing.

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