Chapter 6: Immolation and Preservation

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Vegeta knew he was running out of time.
The testimony in Cell's favor had significantly shifted the tone of the room.

Fools who had fought to stop Cell were now rooting for the scoundrel instead.

Their stupidity was baffling.

Too many people who had actually been born on this planet were now betraying it, and if he was going to successfully defend this world from the looming chaos, he would have to act decisively.

He couldn't risk the jurors becoming too lenient. He feared, based on comments he had overheard, that they were going to be just that.

It was unacceptable.

He clenched his fists to help himself focus.

He looked at Cell, who looked back at him with anticipation.

The light that had been radiating through the courtroom's crystalline dome had dimed with the passing hours.

Now, it was time for his testimony.

Mallow walked up to the stand and proclaimed Vegeta's importance for all to hear.

"My next and final witness, like many of the witnesses summoned for the defense, fought against Cell in the events leading up to the Cell Games and in parts of the games thereof. You'll notice that he's principally testifying on behalf of the prosecution, rather than in Cell's defense. This makes him different from all the others, save for Mr. Satan, who fought against Cell and are now principally testifying on Cell's behalf. How they could do so is still somewhat beyond me. But my witness, who goes by the sole name of Vegeta, will offer a very different perspective regarding the defendant."

Vegeta readied himself. He knew his presentation would have to be clear and convincing.

Mallow began the questioning.

"Vegeta, please describe your interactions with Cell."

"I am a noble warrior who strives to defend this planet, and that coward wanted nothing but to take my life and the lives of everyone else," Vegeta said. "I fought against him. I tried to protect this world from him. And since I couldn't stop him on the battlefield, I'll do my best to stop him here. Hell, do you think I have enjoyed being here, spending my day inside a musty building while being bored out of my mind? Absolutely not! But I'm putting up with these ridiculous proceedings, and with all the nonsense that so many witnesses have spoken about today in Cell's defense, to have the opportunity to tell the greatest truths about this situation. Oh sure, Cell might have helped some people. Yeah, big deal. He killed a bunch of people with no remorse. Remember that. We have, at best, a psychologically unstable lunatic here who, even if he sincerely believes he never wants to do evil again, could snap at any moment. It's disgusting how any of you could possibly think we should be lenient with this monster."

Goku had to hold himself back from shouting out to Vegeta to refrain from these comments.

Cell, however, was glad that perspectives the others had not conveyed were being proclaimed.

However, he was concerned that Vegeta would distort the most important truths.

"Did Cell actively try to kill you?" Mallow asked.

"Without a doubt. Absolutely. And he also tried to kill my son, who is fortunately with us and is sitting right over there," Vegeta said, pointing at Trunks. "In fact, if it wasn't for my son, I would have died at Cell's hands."

Trunks couldn't help but smile at that one.

"For the record, who else among the witnesses did Cell try to kill?" Mallow asked.

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