|chapter two|

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A/n: hey guys it's JaiDean .! I know it have a weird name . xc soo this is chapter two .! I hope you enjoy it . Tell me what you think about Venus . Okay I guess I'm done talking right now . On with the story !


|Chapter two|

Have you ever wondered what it is like seeing yourself in someone else eyes? I do, I wondered what they think about me. About how dress, but I know what they think about how I dress. But you get the point. Right? I hope so.

The looks I was getting from all these people, I use to it. They are just like everyone else.

People they don't even know you judge you right away. Strangers,family and friends , that you thought that they would never do that. Well the family part. Not the strangers, you can see that happening. But it's wrong.

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Here I was in English II, listening to a boring teacher, talking about who knows the hell what. From going from school to school. You miss a lot of stuff. One school is ahead of you, the next school is behind. You don't even know. And at this school, they're ahead. You have a hard time . But go on the web, you have all your answers.

I was sitting in the back row. There's five rows . I was in the fifth one, in the middle. There was no one by me, there is six desk in each row. So you can guess there is two to my right, three to my left that are empty.

While the teacher was writing on the whiteboard. The door in the back of the class was opening, a girl with light brown hair came in and sat in the seat next to me, and took out her text book, note book and pencil. I looked at her with curious eyes, she saw me looking at her.

"Did anyone else see me?" I shook my head in the response 'no'. She let out a sigh of relief and sloughed in her sit.

"Miss.Mona when did you get here?"

"I've been here the whole time sir." I chuckled a little in my hand.

"Miss.Hart is this true?" I put on my a small smile on my face.


Well, my apologies Miss.Mona." He turned back to the rest of the class and continued read from out of the book.

"Hey, thanks for helping me out there. My name is Devin." she put out her hand for me

To shake.

"The names Venus. but call me V." I didn't shake her hand. but she didn't seem to mind. She went to put her head on her desk, but stopped when the class door opened and four guys came in, the class just stopped and kept looking not taking their eyes off them. The teacher, Mr.Castro snapped out of it and went to speak, but got cut off when one of the guys with an bandana on his head cut him off before he could get a word out.

"Yes, Mr.Castro we know we are late,"

"But," he dragged out

"We have a good reason." He smiled brightly at his answer.

"And what would be the reason Mr.Irwin?"

"well, you see here, is that Calum was in the restroom and he was just getting done with his buisness. When his zipper got stuck and you know how that hurts. Am I right Mr.castro?" Mr.castro face was red as a firetruck! The class burst in laughter from what that kid said. When he said the name Calum, it rang a bell.

Mr.castro looked really, really mad.

"you boys have five seconds to get back to your seats right now!"

The boys ran, like their life depends on it. One o the boys with pale blonde hair with a black strip going the middle tripped a attractive guy with a lip ring.

The lip ring boy, fell face first right by me. He let out a deep groan.


I bet you can guess that the whole class was filled with laughter.

I nudged lip ring boy with the toe of my boot. He didn't make a sound.

Well he's dead. damn he was good looking too. damn you stripe guy! Damn you!

The boy I think name is Calum came over and picked him up and sat him in the seat next to me, and started poking at his cheek.

Lip ring boy smacked his hand away from his cheek. He was holding his head in his hands and had a pain look on his face.

"Come on Lucas,"


"open your eyes."


"there's a hot girl next to you taking her shirt off!" That last one was from bandana boy.

Lip ring boy or known as Lucas, whipped his head up fast. That I think he got whiplash.

"Oi that's not a way to respect a woman!" Now that was Devin. After her sentence, he looked our way.


Hey guys! sorry it took so long! it was because I was editing a lot of stuff! and adding more! I hope this is a good chapter! well that's it! leave comments please! and vote! it's not that hard! you just click a little star button! please it means a lot! well that's it! love you guys!

- JaiDean




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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