You Know What They do to Guys Like us in Prision

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(Gerard's pov)

"How about coffee after school?" my best friend Brendon asked the group of gay emos "sure" they all said while I said "hell yeah!" I love coffee a bit too much. I turn around only to see Frank "uh-oh" I hear Patrick and Tyler say "run Gerard!" I hear all of my friends say mostly Brendon, so I turned and ran for it. I was running, only to notice him following me, so I run faster only to be grabbed by my 'boyfriend' Bert. Frank stopped running as Bert started talking "Gee baby where have you been?" oh no this isn't going to end well, only Patrick and my brother Mikey knew how abusive Bert was "I was um-" cut off by a punch and another and a kick to the side "Why are you such a shitty boyfriend huh Gerard?" he asked and punched me again that's when all of my friends showed up "You leave Gee alone right now!" Brendon yelled only to have the group of assholes grab him and the rest of my friends leaving Bert to beat me more "leave him the fuck alone" I hear someone, but not just anyone yell "why should I Iero?" Bert asked "because he's your boyfriend you should treat him with respect dickwad" Frank was yelling at this point "well if you care so much take him. Gerard we are over" Bert screamed "thank god" I whisper and try getting up "you shouldn't get up" Frank says "let me help" he continues "no I've got it it's not this is the first time this has happened" I respond he looks shocked "really? and you didn't leave him sooner?" Frank looks sad now almost in tears "no I was scared to even try it" I say quietly Frank helps me anyway great I've had a crush on him for years, he's always been so fucking rude to me and now he feels sorry for me. Fuck that "no Frank I don't want your sympathy" I say harshly "I- what?" he asks "bye Frank" and with that I run off to the nearest bathroom and fall into a stall and cry I pull out a razor and I do what I usually do. One cut, two cuts, three cuts nobody knows I cut. I hear the door open and footsteps walk in, the person slides under my stall great now they know I cut. "oh my Gerard why?" It's Frank "Frank why do you care you hate me anyway?" I ask "Gerard I don't hate you" he says softly "wait you don't hate me?" I ask him "no Gee. I could never hate someone like you." he says I start crying again and he pulls me in and holds me tightly he was shaking, i was shaking so I held him closer and held me tighter until we both calmed down. Frank left the bathroom first as he wasn't out of the closet yet, he was covered in blood, I hear my friends screaming at him and then I walk out "Gerard Arthur Way you had us worried sick!" Patrick yells "sorry mama Stump" I say and he hugs me. We went for coffee after that, everyone went inside "I'll meet you guys in there I need some air" I say I really just wanted to smoke but they don't know I do that either, man I'm so full of secrets. They all went inside and there i was alone standing by Brendon's car, I pull out my cigarette and light it taking a long drag of it before exhaling the smoke "mind if I steal a light from you?" Frank asks and startled me "Jesus Frankie! are you following me or some shit?" I ask while lighting his cigarette for him "yes actually I was" he says and I giggle he blushes and takes a hit of his smoke we talked for a while, then Frank did something I never thought would happen, he leaned forward and asked me "can I kiss you?" I nod and quickly lean closer, he connects our lips "holy shit" I hear Pete say we quickly pull apart and Frank blushes "I um this is awkward" I say and blush "please don't tell anyone Pete" I say "I don't know, Gerard I might have to tell your mother" Pete says Frank looks confused "tell me what?" Patrick walks out "you'll never guess what I just found Gerard doing" Pete says "well what have you done Gerard?" Patrick asks "he kissed Frank!" Pete burst out laughing as he said that "Gerard Arthur Way I warned you about Frank! Why do you disobey me like this?" Patrick said and then started laughing "Patrick!!!!" I scream "Peter Louis Kingston Wentz the 3rd stop laughing at me right this second!" I yell at Pete as well. My parents think I'm a girl even though I was born with a dick they named me Geralyn "Geralyn! it's nice to see you" my mom says "Mother how many times do I have to tell you I'm not a girl and my name is Gerard" I say "don't speak to your mother like that" my father says he's just as bad as Bert "Fuck you!" I say only to get punched by my father "your so weak stupid little faggot" he says and then leaves Frank runs over to me and helps me up "are you okay Gee?" he asks as the rest of my friends walk out "yeah I'm fine Frankie" I say and we all leave to go home.

(that's the first chapter it's long. I will be updating randomly though I'll try for an everyday update thing.- soulpunk_)

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