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On my way to the airport, I listened to the radio. Shawn's song Stitches was playing. I'm honestly really happy to be working with the boys, and apparently I will be working with Cameron Dallas soon too. Well, with Cameron Dallas and Daniel Skye. Through the 6 weeks, I've been working on the song that Shawn will be performing for Disney. I'm more than excited to be helping and kind of working with Disney too.

Soon, I arrive at the airport. Jack G sends me a text saying that they will be landing soon, which means that I should go and park, then come back around when they are ready. I go around and find a parking spot. I turn off the car and get comfortable, cause it will definitely take a while for them to be ready to leave. While I wait, I grab my phone and unlock it. I proceed to go into Notes and work some more on Shawn's song. So far, I think it sounds good but I don't know Shawn too well, so I have no idea if he will like it.

30 minutes pass when Jack G sends me another text saying that they have landed and are ready to go. I turn my car back on and drive back up to the pick up part of the airport. I see them and get out of my car. They spot me, and I see they have brought someone else. It could be Cameron Dallas, but I have no clue what he looks like. They each have 2 luggage, so I'm pretty sure they will be able to fit.

On the way back to my place, the boys fall asleep. I found out that the person they brought along is not Cameron Dallas, but Hayes Grier. Hayes has a brother by the name of Nash Grier and according to them, Nash is going to be busy, his parents are working and his little sister is with their aunt. I asked them why he came along, and they told me that he didn't want to be home alone nor go with his aunt, so he asked the Jacks and Shawn if he could come along.

Since I live by myself in a semi big house, I told them that they could stay at my place so they didn't have to get hotel rooms. The guest rooms that I have are pretty big, so I told the boys that they could either each get a room or share one. After I told them that, I let them know that I would be going out so they could do whatever except cause a mess or burn the house down.

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