Chapter 29: A Month

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Here we are. The final chapter of Trials. Hope you enjoy the way its ending goes and I'll see you all at the bottom. (And don't forget to support me on Patr(e)on, please!) Time for Chapter 29!

Chapter 29

A Month

"Alain, what is that thing? !"

"Mairin, get back to the lab!" Alain's voice roared to the redhead that was standing on the steps of Professor Sycamore's lab. She instantly obeyed, herself and Chespie scrambling upwards to get to the professor. Alain, for his part, tossed a pokeball forth. "Charizard, let's go!"

"Rawwr!" The fiery beast roared, soaring from his pokeball with energy. In the sky, there appeared to be a swarm of creatures, the likes of which Alain had never seen before. One of them appeared to be large and red, while another appeared like paper, slipping through the sides of the thin gaps between buildings. The city alarm was already blaring intensely, warning of the strange creatures that had appeared in the sky.

"All citizens, please evacuate to the nearest Pokémon Center, Prism Tower or the League stadium," called the voice of Officer Jenny over the intercom in a calm fashion. At least it was one person not panicking, despite the city at large seeming relatively freaked out. Of course, they were probably handling it better than most after the major assault many months ago.

Karheehee! One of the paper-looking ones suddenly made their way towards the lab, slicing through the air. Not that it looked to be attacking was simply moving. That alone was enough to slice off half of the pokeball on Sycamore's fence. It was also enough to send Alain springing into action over the entire situation.

"Charizard, Flamethrower!" he called out. Charizard rocketed upward, his flapping wings creating a gale behind him as he soared through the air. The great Fire type opened his mouth and let loose a gushing torrent of flame. Alain watched carefully against their unknown foe as the Flamethrower made contact, though it seemed to do little.

Kareeeeeee! it screeched loudly, cutting through the fire like it was nothing until it reached Charizard and made contact. The Flame Lizard Pokémon roared loudly in pain before falling, clearly hurt by the thing's slicing capability. It was a trickier opponent than Alain could have even imagined.

"Dragon Claw!" Alain cried, throwing a hand up while he whipped off his white lab coat. Charizard shook his head, recovering from the strike but flying straight back up, making sure to avoid the opponent's movements entirely. His claw glowed a bright green as he sailed in for the slicing beast. The attacks met in a head on collision, straining against each other for a moment. However, Charizard's attack was definitely the weaker of the two, and the strange creature broke through it, slicing once more across Charizard's midsection. "Charizard!"

"Garchomp, Hyper Beam!" Alain turned, diving to the side of the black beam that was fired from the double doors of the lab. It slammed into the creature, knocking it off of its present course, though it still looked undamaged. "Guess that isn't enough...Alain!"

"I'm on it!" Alain raised his wrist up, a bracelet sitting upon it. This one wasn't similar to his time with Lysandre, though, but rather one that Mairin made to accompany the new keystone and Mega Stone that he held. "Charizard, let's go! Keystone, respond to my heart! Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!"

He wasn't the only one to have ordered for Mega Evolution. Sycamore had called for it as well. Both of their Pokémon shined brightly and began to change as energy flowed between their keystones and Mega Stones. Charizard, like before the whole debacle with Flare and DARC, transformed into a great black-winged Pokémon as Garchomp's claws became like blades. Together, Alain and Sycamore faced forward.

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