05- Dear Krista & Alastor

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Dear Krista,

I know that you are in heaven and all and you will probably never see this but I wanted to leave a mark on the Underworld. Yes, I said 'mark'. 

I give up. I give up living all alone in this huge bedroom. I cry every time I see one of your accessories on the floor. 

I think this is what I have been reduced to so I am going to join you in Heaven. Don't worry, Alastor is now six months old and he is old enough to live without his parents. At least in my standards, plus, he has the reapers who are going to take care of him until he can take care of himself. Ugh fine, I know he is not old enough to live without at least one parent but I'm trying to convince myself that it is so that I don't regret anything. 

Only Kalol knows that I will be poisoning myself and it helped me retrieve the special poison from hell that can apparently kill an immortal. Hopefully, it works. I know that if you were here, you would smack me on the head before shouting at me 'How could you leave our child alone like that?' 

You see? I tried, I tried so hard to forget everything and concentrate on Alastor but I couldn't. You are like a parasite that keeps on popping up when it's not needed; in a good way of course. If you asked any of the reapers, they would tell you how much I cried every single day. 

One of the reapers even put a box of tissues in the room for me if I burst out crying. Do you see what you have turned me into; a hormone ranged person who can't keep their tears in.

These pasts months, I had been thinking if I should stay with Alastor or go with you. I realized that I need you more than anything else so my decision was made but I decided to stay with Alastor for six months. Since that time is over I will be committing suicide as they call it. 

I guess this letter will be the only proof of our love; it will be our mark. I love you.


Dear Alastor,

By the time you read this, I will be watching you from heaven and you will be hitting your eighteenth birthday. I know you have many questions about why I committed suicide. I specifically told the reapers to not tell you anything about why I poisoned myself because I wanted to tell you everything by myself and in this case, it will be through a letter.

Krista; your mom was the reason I went to Heaven, I wanted to join her. She had passed away because of giving birth to you. No, I don't blame you, we were aware of the risks that came with being pregnant with a demon baby. We thought that since your mom was half-demon-half-angel she would be strong enough but she wasn't. 

I tried to stay as long as possible with you but I was slipping into mild depression and I knew I needed Krista. I had to leave because I loved her too much to not go. Believe me, it was a very hard decision.

One day, you will understand how it feels to love someone so entirely that they consume you and become a part of you; like a parasite. 

Don't be afraid to date other males and females just because we left. 

I was too weak to stay strong without my rock. Don't be the same as me. Stay strong.

Your Father, 


Hayden smiled as he put both of the letters into separate envelopes. 

He finally felt at peace. Most of the people would have ruled this decision as selfish. He put his needs before his own child. Yes, it was selfish. Hayden had no excuse for that but he didn't have any regrets either. 

It was just what it was. Not everything could have been seen on a black and white paper. Most of the time, almost everything was seen on grey paper.

Hayden sealed the envelopes before setting out to find Kalol. 

As soon as he found Kalol in one of the caverns. He handed him the envelope with Alastor's letter.

"Keep my son safe, won't you? Also, never tell him why I did what I did, he will get to know on his eighteenth birthday when he gets the letter. Don't give him the letter or any information before his birthday."

Hayden patted Kalol's shoulder when he nodded respectfully. Kalol carefully tucked the envelope inside his blood-red robes. 

Hayden turned around and walked towards the castle. He could feel the grim reapers staring at him, wondering why he seemed so defeated. 

They would get to know soon.

Hayden walked towards the library where the poison was kept. As soon as he reached the library, he closed the huge mahogany doors. 

He instantly went to the place where Macbeth's only copy was kept. He gently pulled out the tattered copy before putting his letter to Krista inside it. 

He wanted to keep the letter private from everyone's eyes but there was place safer than this. The letter stood a chance of getting found but his odds were good. 

He didn't hear the door open. 

While Hayden was staring at the envelope, Alastor crawled inside the library and gently closed the door. He immediately crawled over to a darkened corner of the library where he could see Hayden clearly. 

It was unreal how much intelligence this 6-month-old had.

One precious tear dropped out of Hayden's right eye. It dropped onto Krista's name on the envelope, smudging it.

Hayden didn't care and he closed the book and put it back in its place. 

With measured steps, Hayden walked towards the bottle of poison on the table while Alastor observed him from where he was sitting. 

Hayden picked up the poison and stopped it right before it was going to touch his mouth.

This is it. I'm finally going to see Elysium. He thought in a dazed bliss.

Finally, he tipped the bottle up causing the frothing, blood-red liquid to go in his mouth and down his throat. 

Instantly, he grabbed at his throat as he fell onto the floor. 

He started writhing as the poison started to burn his insides. All he could wait for was when the Heaven would appear in front of him. 

Memories flashed past him before he could get a good look and suddenly, he saw blue gates in front of him. 

He let out a relieved sigh and stepped forward towards the gates. 

His physical undead body suddenly went limp and the whole library was filled with deathly silence. 

Alastor stared at his father's dead body. He didn't scream nor wail instead, he let one tear slip out of his left eye. 

The only tear he would spill for the next eighteen years.

The End.


1166 words and bam!

First thing that I have actually finished so *throws confetti in the air*

I absolutely love this book, it's my baby.

Anyway, total word count is 9685 words! 

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