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"I can only remember parts but I thought I was dead. That's what it felt like..." Beverly recalled her memory of the dead lights.
"What were we all doing?" Bill asked.
"I just remember how we felt. How scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that. I saw us, all of us, back together in the sewers but we were older. Like our parents ages" Beverly finished and the losers sat in their circle thinking and almost worrying about the far future.

Abruptly, bill stood up. Collecting a shard of broken glass on the way. 
"Swear it. S-s-swear that if it isn't dead, if it ever comes back, we'll come back too." Bill said bravely.

Evie stood up, then Stan and Richie followed by the rest shortly afterwards.

Bill held out his hand a cut it, wincing in pain. He then slowly went round the circle cutting their hand. The scar would represent and remind them of this time and the promise they just made.

They all then held hands. Brave faces shone as they finalised their blood oath.

They then slowly let go of each others hands.

"I hate you" Stan was the first to speak, bill looked almost alarmed until Stan smirked and they all started laughing. 

Stan was the first to walk off. Evie thought quickly for a second.
"Erm. I've gotta go. See you losers later?" They nodded and she ran to Stan.

She grabbed his hand and whirled him around so he was facing her and she slammed her lips to his.

They kissed for what felt like forever, neither of them wanting to pull away. A kiss like no other filled with pure love. A spark of happiness which will be needed in Derry.

Sadly the kiss ended and they intertwined their fingers. The whoops and wolf whistles off Richie and Eddie continued as Evie and Stan walked away.

"Erm so Evie... I've been meaning to ask you... will you be my er" Stan was bright red and scratching the back of his neck, "girlfriend?" He said quietly.
"No." Stan looked genuinely hurt until, "Of course you dummy!"

They intertwined their hands for the last time as they would never let go of each other. They have something stronger then It's fear and it's called love.


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