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Sierras Diary
           Today's the day. I can't believe its already here! It's the first day of my new life, for the next couple of years that is. You see, my sisters Olivia, Gracie, Madison and I never thought our lives would change so much, even after all the fame. But when our career as singers grew more and more, our mom and dad decided it would be better for us to move to Georgia. Our dad, John decided it would be best if he stayed at our house in Temecula California while Kathi, our mom and my sisters traveled across the country.

          I guess the worst part about moving isn't leaving our things behind, but people. We're all really going to miss our friends, especially seeing them at school everyday. But even worse, we won't be taking dance lessons, and competing in competitions as a part of our first dance studio, Temecula Dance Company. I speak for all of us when I say our studio is like a second home. Olivia and I just got our pointe shoes, and Gracie just advanced to the high school competition team. As for Madison, the oldest, she's practically the best dancer on her whole team! (Although I do think I'm pretty good for my age!)

          I glanced down at the small bag on the floor of our car as Rosie let out another loud bark. "I think she's scared" my youngest sister Olivia replied sitting next to me. She pulled Rosie out of the bag and held her in her arms. "I bet she already misses Chickie." I nodded in agreement, gently petting the head of our Yorkshire terrier. Our other dog, Chicklet isn't coming with us to our new home in Atlanta. Instead she is staying with our dad in our California house. Gracie, a year and a half older than me, will miss her most of all. Gracie and chickie go together like - well, you get the picture.

          Between moving to a new home, going to a new school, and finding a new dance studio, I've been excited and nervous for weeks! For one thing, what if I'm not good enough to make the competition team at our new dance studio? Or I don't make any new friends? Or what if, for that matter, my old friends forget about me? Actually, I'm not sure I'll have to be too worried about that. Last weekend, before we left, my friends McKenna and Rylee threw a farewell party for all of us, then treated me to a girls day at the mall. We were sure to keep in touch with each other while we're on opposite ends of the country.

          At least there will be one friendly face in Atlanta when we get there; that's our friend Matt. He's the reason we're moving to Atlanta. Most people probably know him as MattyB. He's the reason we're the stars we are today. It will be nice to see his family, and of course his little sister Sarah when we arrive. Are we there yet??

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