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        I woke up to the sound of Tom yelling from downstairs. Fucking prick, stop yelling and walk your arse up here to talk to me. "If you aren't down here in three minutes, you're fucking dead," he threatened. He had been getting more and more unbearable as the days passed. 

        "You're late," he steamed.

"But I'm here now," I sassed as I descended down the stairs towards him. I hadn't gotten any sleep the night before and I was in no mood for Tom's bullshit.

"Watch your tone with me, bitch. Remember who's in charge here," he shouted while dragging me out of the mansion and into the black range rover waiting out front. I climbed in and sat to the left of Tom.

"So what am I doing today?" I asked after yawning.

"You're meeting with the Ravens' gang leader, Tomlinson. He's an- an old friend of mine," he stuttered.

"What am I telling him?" I asked.

"Tell him that I want to form a merger between the drug businesses we run."

"And if he denies?" 

"Simple, I'll kill him."

        This is how it is every day. I wake up, get yelled at by Tom, get shoved into a car, attend his 'meetings' with clients for him, threaten to kill them if they deny, and return back to the mansion to either get beaten, praised, or ignored. I was Tom's bitch to say the least. Whatever he says; goes. He owned me. He owned his gang. He owned London. No one dare's stand against Tom and 'The Wanted.' They're the most dangerous gang in London; therefor no one fucks with them. And once you're in, there's no way out. It's almost like joining a fandom

"I already put the gun in your purse, don't use it unless you need to. We'll be back in two hours to pick you up. Get him to agree or you're fucked," Tom snapped while handing me my bag as the car pulled up to a small diner. I got out of the car and slammed the door shut. It's eight in the morning and I haven't had coffee yet, I'm in no mood for his threats. 

        I walked into the almost empty diner and took a seat. A few people glanced over at me, seeing as I was well known in London for working for fuck face- I mean Tom. A waitress walked over and smiled at me and filled a cup of coffee for me. I was perhaps the only person in the UK who preferred coffee over tea. "Thank you," I smiled back. She nodded and headed into the kitchen. 

        After a minute or two of just sipping at my coffee, a man joined me at the table. "You must be Mr. Tomlinson," I spoke.

"Please, call me Louis. And you're Gabriella?"

"It's just Gabby," I replied while observing his appearance. He was dressed rather unproffessionally. He wore a maroon beanie, white tank top, black skinny jeans, and black vans; far more casual than my white blazer, black v-neck, dark blue jeans, and black pumps.

"So 'Just Gabby,' what can I do for ya?" he asked while taking a drink of my coffee and winking. I laughed at his childishness. 

"Tom wants a merger between the two companies the both of you run."

"A merger? I'll pass," he laughs.

"The business would increase. You and Tom would split 50/50. You'd make quite a profit. It's stupid not to agree," I defend.

"Listen, you seem like a sweet girl; but I want nothing to do with Tom. I'd prefer to run my business without that prick," he finished while running his fingers through his hair.

"But-" I start.

"No 'buts.' Now, how are you?" he asked, completely changing the topic. I studied him for a moment. He was too relaxed. 

"I'm still waking up to be quite honest. I haven't gotten much sleep the past few days," I laughed.

"Not getting enough sleep? Too much frickle frackling?" he teased.

"Frickle frackling? Really? What are you? Like twelve?" I laughed even harder.

"Maybe," he laughed, "tell me about yourself Gabby. And don't just tell me you're Tom's representative. I want to know your story. How did you end up in the business?"

"I moved from Bradford to London two years ago. I was living on my own and attending university just down the road from my flat. I was going to major  in forensic anthropology, or at least that was the original plan. I worked at a coffee shop called the Flying M in the mean time though. After about two months of living here, I began to get a bit too comfortable with the city. I had always been warned not to be alone at night on the streets or to stay out past curfew because of the wanted. But being the careless idiot I was, I got drunk with a couple of friends one night and walked home alone. And you know that cliche thing people always make stories about of getting attacked in an alley at night by a bunch of thugs, yeah well, that's what happened to me. These guys were ruthless. They stole everything on me. And when they tried to touch me, someone miraculously appeared out of nowhere and saved me. Turns out that person was Tom. He was nice at first. He walked me home that night and left his number for me in case I needed anything. Needless to say, Tom and I started talking and meeting up every once in awhile. I began to like the guy, even though I knew nothing about him except that he owned a 'business.' After a month of talking, Tom offered me to move into his house with his roommates and to work for him. The pay was drastically bigger than what I was making at the coffee shop, so I accepted. Fuck, I was an idiot. Basically, after that I found out what the business actually was and I tried to leave, which didn't work. Eventually I just accepted that there was no escape from this situation and became neutral about it," I explained, leaving out the brutal details of Tom's ways.

        Louis stared at me for a moment and nodded his head. "So is that whole rumor about you being Tom's girlfriend true?" he asked.

"Yeah, we've been together for about a year and a half now," I sighed.

"Do you love him?"

"Yeah," I lied. If anyone was listening and told Tom that I said I didn't love him, I would recieve endless beatings. "Anyways, new topic! What kind of music do you listen to?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

        The two hours flew by as Louis and I talked about anything and everything that came to mind. It was nice having a normal conversation that wasn't about drugs, gangs, or violence for once. And with Louis, the conversation was filled with many laughs and sassy remarks. He was an entertaining fellow to talk to. As we concluded our rant on how guinea pigs were extremely underestimated pets, Tom's car pulled up outside of the diner.

"That's my ride," I started, "before I go, are you sure you don't want to join the merger?" I asked, hoping he'd change his mind. He was a good guy and I didn't want to see him die under Tom's wrath.

"I'm positive," he smiled.

"You're an old friend of Tom's, Louis." His face paled. "You know the consequences or not agreeing with him..."

"I'll be okay Gabby. I'll see you later," he waved from the table. I smiled one last time and turned to walk out the door.

        Tom didn't ask any questions during the drive back home. It was pure silence. So instead I thought of Louis' contagious smile and laughter. He had a beautiful personality, minus the whole gang leader thing. He was a handsome man. But he's also a soon to be dead man..

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