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        My dad died when I was seven because of a car accident. Neither of the drivers were drunk. It was just an accident. Both of them didn't see the stop signs and my dad just happened to not be wearing his seatbelt, ejecting him from the car, killing him instantly. Maybe that's where I get my fear of driving from.. Everytime I drive, I get this uneasy and paranoid feeling that I'm not going to be paying attention and cost someone their life, or my own. Like now, I'm driving and distracting myself from the road in front of me..

        Tom had left a note this morning instructing me to pick up some cargo in downtown. Something I had to do for him quite often. Normally it wouldn't be such a big deal, but after last nights events, I was in no condition to run errands for him. It hurts to breathe, let alone walk. My body ached just thinking about picking up the boxes an putting them into the car on my own. Bastard was probably at the mansion getting high and enjoying the amount of pain he was putting me through.

        I pulled into the parking garage of a shopping mall, slipped on some sunglasses to cover my swollen black eye, and got out. A truck with three boxes in the bed was parked across from me. "Gabriella Girard?" the bald man standing next to the boxes spoke.

"The one and only," I snapped.

"Where's the money?" he asked.

"Mr. Parker doesn't like to transfer money in physical form. He's taken the liberty to transfer the money into your bank account this morning himself," I informed. "Go ahead and take a look." The bald bloke pulled out his phone and began typing away, possibly logging into his bank account I assume. I took the time to observe my surroundings. Something didn't feel right. It felt as if we weren't alone and that we were being watched..

"Alright. Looks good. Nice doing business with you, Girard," he finished while nodding his head at the two goons standing next to him. They moved the boxes onto the ground and got in the truck. The bald man gave me a final nod and got into the truck, driving off, not even bothering to help me with the boxes. Pricks.

        I tried numerous times to lift the boxes, but my body was too weak to do it. I tried to push the boxes but failed miserably due to wearing the black stilettos Tom had instructed me to wear with this tight black dress. "Excuse me, do you need help?" an Irish accent called out from behind me. I turned around to see a blonde haired, blue eyed boy smiling at me. 

"No, I got it. Thanks though," I smiled back.

"Nonsense, I've been watching you try to move those boxes for the past ten minutes. Let me help," he offered again.

"I mean, if it's not too much of a bother," I agreed.

"Course not," he replied while picking up the first one and setting it into the trunk of my car.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it," I spoke after he moved the other two boxes.

"Don't worry 'bout it," he smiled. "I'm Niall, and you are?" he asked while offering his hand out to shake.

"Gabby, it's nice to meet you," I shook his hand.

"No fucking way, Gabby? As in Gabby Girard?" his eyes widened.

"Yeah.." I stuttered. He was probably scared of me now.

"Wow, I always thought THE Gabby Girard, London's most wanted girlfriend, would be an ugly and rather rude bitch," he laughed.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" I asked while laughing lightly.

"Yeah, you're not even close to as bad as what people set you out to be," he smiled.

"Thank Niall. I gotta get going, gotta get some coffee before I get these boxes delivered."

"Yeah anytime, it was nice meeting you Gabby," he smiled while opening my door for me. I hopped in, started the ignition, and rolled down the window.

"Nice meeting you too," I smiled while beginning to back out of the parking spot.

"See you soon, princess," he said as I drove off. Sorry Niall, I probably won't be seeing you soon.

        I drove to the nearest starbucks. If I had to get these boxes back to the house and unload them, there was no way I could even attempt to do it without getting a cup of coffee. As I was walking out I tripped over my own feet and fell into another person. "Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I spoke while standing up and holding my hand out for the person.

"It's alright, I wasn't watching where I was going," he laughed while taking my hand.

"Yeah but now you're covered in my coffee," I laughed while getting napkins to help at least get some of the liquid off of him. I began dabbing at the giant spot on his.

"Hey, it's no big deal. I have a spare shirt in my girlfriend's car," he replied while refilling his two cups of coffee. I followed to refill mine as well. 

"Liam, there you are," a blonde girl spoke as she walked up to the two of us.

"Sorry 'bout the wait babe, I spilled our cups and had to get new ones," he laughed, "Oh! This is uh..."

"Gabby," I answered for him.

"I accidentally collided with her and it was just a giant mess of coffee. Anyways, Gabby; this is my girlfriend, Morgan," he smiled while wrapping one of his arms around the small girl. There was a drastic size difference between the two. He was built and muscular while she was small and thin, the size difference made them even cuter together.

"It was nice to meet you two, but I really must get going. I'll see you two around sometime," I smiled while hugging the both of them and exiting the small coffee shop. I swore I felt something drop into my purse as I hugged the blonde girl, but perhaps I was just going insane due to the lack of sleep I had gotten the night before..

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