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The next afternoon, Matilda sat alone at her computer while Colin tended, as usual, to the many tasks around the yard.

With her hands hovering above the keyboard, she prayed inspiration might come. How was it that she could write a ninety-five-thousand-word manuscript and the sentences had flowed from her fingertips like drops of rain in a downpour? They'd come so quickly at times, she could barely keep up. And now—nothing.

What if she didn't have it in her? What if that one story was the only story she'd ever tell?

From somewhere in the distance, a familiar noise caught her attention. A text message, perhaps. But not from her phone. Hers sat beside her on the desk. Matilda ignored it at first, but a moment later, it sounded again. And then again. Colin must have forgotten his cell, which was always tucked into his back pocket.

Pushing away from her desk, Matilda began to search. When the phone beeped again, she found it underneath an overstuffed pillow on the couch.

It must have slipped out from his jeans. She pressed her finger to the screen, and his phone illuminated. Four text messages stared back at her, each one from his sister.

Savannah: Are you there?

Savannah: Colin?

Savannah: We need to speak ASAP

Savannah: It's about Costa Alegre

Had Colin finally gotten a hold of his sister? And if so, why did she want to talk to him about Costa Alegre? Wasn't that in Mexico?

The book hidden at the bottom of his dresser!

Perhaps Savannah was the one relocating? But why hadn't Colin mentioned it before? Matilda wanted desperately to ask, only then she'd have to confess she'd been snooping through his belongings. And if there was one thing she knew about her husband, it was that he appreciated his privacy.

Even if it were his sister moving away, that still didn't explain why he owned a passport. Shivers of apprehension crawled up her spine as she returned the phone to the couch. When a sudden noise sounded behind her.

"You found my phone! I thought I'd lost it." Colin reached for his cell and stuffed it into his back pocket, then gathered her in a tight embrace.

The scent of sweat and moistened earth offended her nose. "Colin! What are you doing?"

Matilda wiggled from his grasp and stepped back, her eyes widening. Her husband stood before her smothered in mud from head to toe.

"Just needed a little hug from my beauty." His lips tugged up playfully. "Is that all right with you?"

Matilda's mouth gaped open. What in the world had gotten into him? She looked down at her yellow sundress, now smeared with black soil. "But now I need to shower."

His eyebrows shimmied suggestively. "Well then, why don't I join you?"

Despite herself, a wave of desire flooded through her. How was it he could have such an effect on her? Even now, with all of the strange questions that had surfaced. Her vulnerability toward him maddened her at times.

"Why don't you hop in first?" he suggested. "Get it nice and steamy hot. I'll join you in a moment, just as soon as I slide out of these dirty clothes."

Matilda's eyes traveled over her husband's toned physique, and she felt herself weaken. "Don't be long," she told him. "I'm trying to write."

Colin leaned forward and brushed his lips to hers. "I promise not to keep you waiting." He gave her a slow kiss.

Anticipation spiraled low in her stomach. She wished she could fight it, but the innate need she had for her husband was no match. Colin Bloom was addictive—and he knew it.

"Let's shower in the guest bath," she said after their embrace. "I'm afraid to get another shock."

"Sorry, but we can't." In one velvety motion, Colin pulled his shirt up and over his head. The muscles along his torso made her mouth water with longing. "I investigated the situation this morning. Something's off with the plumbing in the guest shower, not ours. With the wires and whatnot. Look, it's difficult to explain, but an electrical current from there somehow transferred into ours. Some screwball set up from the previous owners, I suppose. I had to shut the water off in the guest bath for now, just until I can fix it." He flashed a pearly-white smile. "Nothing to worry about, my beauty. We'll be fine. I'll meet you there in a few minutes, okay?"

Matilda's gaze dropped to the floor. Her husband had no reason to lie, but a nervousness moved through her all the same. "You promise not to be long?"

Colin moved two fingers over his chest. "Cross my heart."

Matilda made her way upstairs, trying to rationalize her anxiety. Over the past twenty-four hours, numerous things had not added up. Yet her husband's behavior was just as charming as ever. Maybe it was paranoia from obsessing over her next novel? As she passed the guest bath, she had a strong urge to peek inside.

With a quick glance over her shoulder, she stepped closer to the shower. If Colin had turned off the water as he'd said, there should be no danger of receiving another shock. Her shaking fingers inched forward until they were touching the knob. Very carefully, she gave it a twist.


She twisted further.

Still, nothing.

Colin had indeed shut off the water valve, just as he'd promised.

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