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Matilda paced in front of the master tub, a towel fastened to her chest. What was taking her husband so long? If he was so sure the main shower would be fine, he could turn the knobs himself. She had no intention of getting shocked again. Once had been more than enough.

She peeked into the empty hallway and Colin's hushed voice drifted up to the second floor. Who in the world was he talking to? Matilda tiptoed down the hall, ducking as he paced past the bottom of the stairs.

"You think I don't know that?" her husband hissed into his phone. "I've dealt with this shit for almost twenty years. I'm pretty sure I have a better grasp of what's going on than you. The wires are hooked up to the plumbing in the shower, just like I said. It's foolproof. In another five minutes, she'll be halfway to the moon!"

He paused, listening to the person on the other end, and rolled his eyes.

"I'm telling you, Savannah, it'll work this time. I fixed it. The last shock wasn't strong enough. And if this one doesn't take that heifer down, nothing will. It'll be powerful enough to break the bones of an elephant! By this time next week, wifey-poo will be six feet under and I'll be on my way to Mexico—the grieving widower, escaping the pain of his loss. And a few weeks after that, I'll send for you. Then we can be married on the beach, just like I promised."

Married on the beach? To Savannah?

So the shock in the shower had been no accident after all? Matilda clutched the wall, disbelief clouding her eyes.

Colin let out an exaggerated breath. "We both agreed this was the best plan. Why are you so upset? I already told you, baby. While I lie in bed next to her, I'm only thinking of you. You're the one I'm in love with, Savannah. Not her. She's just a means to an end. Once Matilda's out of the picture and I have sole access to the bank account, we'll have it made for the rest of our lives! Do you understand that? Just hang in there for a few more weeks, we're almost in the clear. Then we can start making all of our dreams come true."

Matilda's lips parted. Colin planned to kill her and run away with her money! He didn't love her at all; he loved her bank account.

And Savannah.

She wasn't Colin's sister. She was his lover. The pieces were all falling into place.

Matilda's blood boiled over but only for a moment. A new thought embraced her. Her husband expected sparks to fly...literally. And if something didn't happen soon, he'd be upstairs to investigate. What would happen then? If he wanted her gone so badly, would he try to kill her himself?

"Matilda, my beauty? Is the shower ready yet?"

At the sound of his voice, Matilda hurried back to the bathroom, her eyes shifting from the tub to the door. Colin suddenly appeared and a shadow moved over his face.

"Why aren't you in the shower, my beauty? I thought you were getting it ready for us?"

She bit down on her lower lip, a metallic taste blossoming across her tongue. "I overheard you on the phone just now," she whispered, forcing her gaze to meet his. "Savannah's not your sister. And you're not in love with me. All you want is my money."

A crease expanded across his forehead. "I'm sorry? What do you mean?"

Her eyes diverted back to the tub. "You're trying to electrocute me. That's what that shock was yesterday. Wasn't it?"

Colin laughed easily, never missing a beat. He stepped into the bathroom. "You have an excellent imagination. It's no wonder you're a world-famous writer!" He cupped her chin in his hand, his mouth curling into a sexy half-smile. "Those eyes, they're more magnificent than a thousand emeralds."

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