A Moment in the Sky

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Kirara ascends higher into the sky. Sango and Kagome have been quiet for most of the flight. Kirara breaks through the clouds and Kagome peers around Sango to see the sun starting to rise. She looks up and admires the sky changing from the dark blue behind her to the peek of orange just beyond her eyesight.



Sango sighs. "Sometimes I wish... No. I wonder how my life would be if my family was still alive." She smiles to herself. "Waking up early for training, playing with Kohaku, making weapons with my father. Him picking suitors..."

Sango trails off and it's silent between the two of them.

"But you would have never met us."

Kagome puts a hand on Sango's shoulder.

"Look. I know it's hard losing your family. I've had to make a similar sacrifice. You love them so much and it's so hard to let go. But look how much you've gained! You have a beautiful family of your own and Kohaku is alive and well. Even the demon slayer camp is being revived! I know that doesn't compare to the past but how can you not recognize that your present is just as important?"

Sango is quiet for a little while before wiping a tear and smiling.

"You're right, Kagome. With the new baby and constantly being in the house, I've forgotten how great my life is now."

"I don't blame you. Being a stay at home mom is tough."

"Yeah it is. And it has put a strain on me and Miroku's relationship."

"Maybe you guys should switch it up a little."

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe the stay at home life isn't for you. How can you go from slaying demons to taking care of 6 kids?"

Sango smirks. "Yeah." She looks at the sunrise. "I admit, it was nice at first having just the twins. It gave me a break from all the traveling we did together and it was a transition into a new life. But, the more they kept popping out, the more lost I felt. Miroku was never around cause he worked all the time and I had to take care of the kids..."

"Look, Sango. I have to apologize on my part too. Inuyasha and I, well, since you guys moved to that big house we kind of lost contact with y'all. It's different when you are a few doors down compared to an entire trail. I promise from here on out to be there more for you guys."

"Aw! Thanks Kagome!"

Kagome leans forward and gives Sango a hug from behind. Sango smiles and then looks at her from the corner of her eyes.

"So, when are you and Inuyasha expecting?"

Kagome's face blushes bright red.

"Well, we've had the talk. We both want kids but... I think we are scared."


Kagome sighs. "Inuyasha.. well his whole life he's been ashamed at what he is and.. well having children would mean.."

"He married you because he loves you. Having children just expands that love."

"Sango-chan. That's not what I mean."

Kagome sighs and lifts a hand through a passing cloud, mind far away.

"Back in my world, my old world, there are no demons. Spirits aren't, well.. not the same. My powers did not come until I came here. Japan isn't safe now. Power is the only way to survive. How can I have children whose blood will be even weaker than their father's?"


"It worries me."

"Kagome, how can you forget? They will be a part of you too! You are a priestess. Inuyasha is the strongest half demon I know." Sango laughs. "Actually, I went to the market after the festival and overheard that people are just as scared and devoted to Inuyasha as Sesshomaru."

"What? Why?"

"Well I heard them talking. All the stories of our travels, what we've done, what he has done has spread. How can a half demon be as powerful as he? Kagome, have you ever thought it could be the human in him too?"

"How can humans be stronger than demons?"

"It's the very thing they make shame of us for. Our spirit. Our will to live. Living to die another day. Demons can never understand that with all their powers. But that's our number one."
Sango smiles. "I'm glad demons are gone in the future. It means that we've won."

Sango pauses and sniffs the air. "Sulfur. We are close."

The clouds turn black around them as Kirara begins to descend.

"Be careful, Kirara. Don't breath in too much of the toxic gas." Kirara roars in response. "You too, Kagome. Cover your mouth." Sango slips her mask over her mouth and nose.

The temperature rises suddenly around them as they break through the clouds and feel the full force of the lava beneath them.

"Hopefully Tōtōsai will have the answers." Kagome says.

"Yes." Sango says grimly. "For Rin's sake."

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