Chapter Fifteen: The Job of A King

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The Enchantress barely slept a wink that night. Every moment which drew sleep closer was snatched away when thoughts of her apprentice's words woke.

What had he meant by that?

The idea that the boy may know of what awaited her at the Mountains of Reflection seemed so far from reality, but its possibility did not hesitate to nag at her conscience.

As the sun rose from its slumber and the sheet of fog over the land began to lift, the Enchantress forsook her sleeping place, preparing her tired body for another day of travel. With any luck, nothing more would hinder them and this day would be their last afoot. Her thoughts continued to loop, never reaching a solid conclusion in fear of being wrong... or right. With her weary gaze, she watched Zel awaken. The girl spent less time drawing her eyes from rest than she did shaking the apprentice awake.

As adamant as ever, the boy refused to let the waking world take him. He tossed and turned with Zel's every touch until, suddenly, his eyes snapped open and a terrified scream escaped him. He sat up, his head shooting from side to side with eyes wide and alert. Releasing a breath, he rested his irritated gaze on Zel.

"I thought I was falling! Don't use sensory illusions to wake me up," he scolded. "How did you even create an illusion like that," he muttered, narrowing his eyes at her before standing up.

The Enchantress stared at the boy, curiosity and wariness fighting over her tongue. If she were to ask, he would surely dismiss her. However, waiting for time to reveal his secrets seemed too uncertain... She was abruptly dragged from her pondering by the approach of her apprentice and his over-attached extension of a girl.

"Should we start walking? How much further do we have to travel?" the boy groggily asked, rubbing his eyes as he spoke.

The Enchantress gave a sigh, nodding as she held her hand out before herself, palm facing up. She hovered her other hand atop it, drearily watching as the remaining wisps of mist congregated between her hands. With a swift sweep of her hand, she brushed away excess fog, leaving the remainder to sink into a standing landscape of their surrounds and beyond.

The boy stared in wonder, much as he had on their first day of travel.

"You really can do that! How? How did you do that?" he asked, eyes glimmering with curiosity as he gazed upon the miniature model of the land.

The Enchantress looked at the boy in confusion, how could something so simple be so wondrous to him? She pointed to a village, slightly northeast from her own manor.

"We were just here, most likely," she stated before pointing slightly southeast. "We travel a slight way towards the sunrise for now."

Lifting her gaze to look at the boy, the Enchantress made a fist of her hand, destroying the foggy sculpture atop it. A slight, satisfied smile crept upon her lips as she saw her apprentice's face fall in dismay. He locked his gaze to hers and frowned for a moment before looking to his own hand, attempting to mimic her actions.

Slight wisps of mist congregated between his hands, swirling in a haphazard and unplanned manner. He hastily threw his hand out of the way, eyes concentrating on the fog beneath it. To his disappointment, the fog fell flat, floating over the edges of his palm and rolling off his fingertips. No figure-perfect silhouette of the land around managed to grace his palmtop.

The Enchantress couldn't help but let out a slight laugh, shaking her head.

"You will learn it soon enough, I'll try to teach you when we reach the Mountains of Reflection," she stated, looking to him out of the corner of her eye. "For now, we just need to travel straight, right through the plains, and we should reach there before sunset."

One step before another, the Enchantress walked away from their campsite. She was barely three steps away when a sharp gust of wind, followed by a loud thud stopped her in her tracks. Spinning around to sight the source of the noise, she saw the shelter which they had set up the prior evening was now laying in a pile of debris. Before the pile, her apprentice stood pointing his palm to the earthy rubble. He turned away from the mess and approached his mentor, followed by the little girl.

Before they could surpass her, the Enchantress continued walking, entering the woods with her entourage. As the sparse woodland once again enveloped them, and the light of the sun dimmed to match, the travellers set forth with no intention of taking a rest.

The apprentice's silence as they walked was unnerving to the Enchantress. His usual chipper self was mellow and thoughtful, he never once interrupted the silence.

"What are you thinking of?" the Enchantress asked, slowing her pace to walk beside him.

The boy hummed, lifting his gaze to look at his mentor. "About the Witches," he answered. "I was wondering if we could find them – figure out why they do what they do. If they're a danger then-"

"No," the Enchantress stated. "No, my only intention is to reach the Mountains of Reflection, obtain a new mist-ball, and then return home and reclaim my land from that wretched king of yours!"

The apprentice pursed his lips in distaste, his brows furrowing. "Why? What if they're malicious! What if they mean harm to the world and its people?" he exclaimed, his voice rising with each statement.

"Well, it would not be my issue," the Enchantress shot, turning her head to look at the boy. "Problems concerning the peoples' welfare is one for kings and leaders to consider. Not someone like me, a simple recluse who wishes to live in peace." Her voice softened as she saw the boy's expression falter, his brows relaxing and eyes widening.

The apprentice tightened his grip on Zel's hand and hung his head, looking away from his mentor. "You're right, it is the trouble of rulers," he stated quietly. "However, if they cause a disturbance, it'll certainly affect you! These kinds of malicious people always target the powerful first."

The Enchantress huffed, rolling her eyes at the boy. "I'm hardly 'powerful'," she laughed. "Anyone with a little knowledge can achieve my level of... power." She looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing. "Either way, if they do choose to come after me, I shall deal with them then. I am much stronger when I am at peace, and I am at peace when I am at home." With a final nod, she closed the conversation, certain of her decision.

The boy shook his head, not sure what else he was expecting from a person who had forsaken her own home to a king who swore her demise. In silence, the trio continued to walk.

As the sun soared high in the cold blue sky, the travellers noticed the growing shadow of the mountain ranges ahead. Only half a day's travel left! The Enchantress's anticipation prompted her to pick up her pace, almost skipping towards the familiar peaks that grew larger with their every step. 

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