Chapter Eighteen: Master

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As darkness settled over the small village, the Mountains of Reflection gave up their mirroring of the land in favour of the twinkling stars that filled the sky around the waxing half-moon. Light gradually flickered alive from the outer corners of the village, crawling towards the over-illuminated home that found its place in the heart of the settlement. With its golden glow radiating to the night-markets outside, the home's radiance only grew further within.

With a slight bounce in her step, the Enchantress made her way down the staircase and towards the meeting room of the first floor. Robes of emerald velvet caressed her shoulders as she carelessly allowed herself to bask in the warmth of her memories. Reaching the foot of the staircase, however, she abruptly regained her composure. Straightening her shoulders and lifting her chin, she calmly approached the wooden table in the centre of the drawing room.

"Ah," vocalised the strange homeowner. "Look who's finally decided to join us!"

The woman made her way to an empty chair, drawing it out for the Enchantress to take a seat. Compliant, the Enchantress sat and took a glance at her entourage at the table.

Donned in an uncharacteristically refined gold-trimmed pantsuit, the boy found his seat right across from her. Near him, with her hair smoothed into a neat braid and clothed in a frilly dress- that the Enchantress could swear she'd seen before, sat a strange little girl. The Enchantress stared at the girl for a moment, puzzled until she noted Zel's unmistakeable eyes.

A pot landed atop the table before her with a thud. The Enchantress's gaze shot up to meet the yes of their host. The woman smiled and lifted the lid from the pot, allowing the delectable aroma to envelope her guests. A growl from the stomachs of the travellers sounded to acknowledge the meal before them, a loud, unanimous rumble that made the woman chuckle as she began to serve her guests.

"So," the woman began. "When will you introduce me? I'd like to know who your friends here are."

The Enchantress looked up, her cheeks glowing in mortification. "Of course," she started. "This is... my master. She's the person who has taught me everything I know - She's also the only parent I've ever had the ... misfortune of knowing."

The Master's maternal smile fell to a berating scowl as she heard those final words. She scoffed, throwing her head to the side as her teeth sunk into her lip. "Misfortune?" she emphasised. "I take you in, raise you up, and this is how reference me?"

The Enchantress gave a slight wince before reaching for the meal before her.

"Well, now. This misfortune of a master has a question for you," the woman stated, brushing aside her pupil's insolence. "Did you bring along your log? I do hope you've been consistent in your research, young miss!"

A cough escaped the Enchantress as she unwittingly inhaled some broth. The log.

"I did, actually," she answered tentatively, taking a napkin from the table. "It's in my satchel... however..." Her words trailed off as she stood and began for the coat rack by the entrance. Lifting the flap of her satchel, the Enchantress extracted her notebook, which held a nib-less pen along its spine. Waltzing over to the table once more, she held the book out for her Master to take. "I did as you asked and recorded the major events along the land -except..." Her gaze drifted to the boy. "I have no information on a certain new settlement and their crude ruler."

The woman nodded, taking hold of the book. Flipping the cover open, she began running her hand down the pages. The further through the book she got, the tighter her brows furrowed. Reaching for the bottom corner of the page, she turned it, reading through the book. The Master flipped through a mere three pages before heaving a heavy sigh and looking to her pupil, her gaze saturated in disappointment and pity.

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