Chapter Seventeen: A Warm Welcome

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Gripping the shoulders which plastered themselves to her ribcage, the Enchantress launched the figure off her body, causing the assailant to stumble back and fall to the ground away from her. Catching her winded breath with jagged coughs, the Enchantress scrambled to stand, stepping away from the door she once approached. With one leg behind, ready to run, she stood cautious as she eyed the person who had tackled her.

Sitting on the ground before them, a woman with tears in her eyes gazed upon the Enchantress, her lip quivering as she looked her up and down. With a sniffle and a rub of her nose, the woman stood up and walked towards the Enchantress, her teary eyes turning up with a manic smile. The faint beginnings of wrinkles creased around her smile as she gave an abrupt, cracked laugh.

"You're finally back," the woman sobbed, reaching her hands out towards the Enchantress again. "Do you know how long I've been waiting? You said you would visit but you never did!"

Averting her gaze and clearing her throat, the Enchantress aligned herself, putting her feet together and dropping her hands to her sides, picking at the cloth of her dress. As she shifted awkwardly from foot to foot, the eccentric woman approached.

"Look at this – you look a mess!" the woman cried, pointing to the Enchantress's dirtied clothing. She turned to look between the researcher and little girl. "You too! All of you..."

With a bashful smile and scratch of his nose, the boy sighed as his hands gripped Zel's slightly tighter.

The woman shook her head as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "I didn't raise you like this," she muttered before waving the trio into the house. "Come in, get washed up, I'll prepare something to eat – knowing you, you wouldn't have eaten much on your way here."

Walking up the steps with a click of her tongue, she approached the door of the lopsided house and held the door open for the Enchantress and her entourage. Not willing to anger the strange woman, the Enchantress tentatively approached and her duo of company followed.

The wooden doorframe embraced the travellers as they entered the irregularly-shaped residence. Without much to differ from its awkward demeanour, the house's interior was an organised disarray of wooden flooring and decorated hallways, strange prototypes hung from the railings of staircases and some even stranger contraptions found their home in cob-webbed corners. Corridors were short and linked the nearer rooms to the hallway. Glass bulbs were localised to the edges of every room's ceiling, their golden glow increasing as darkness settled outside. The crackling sound of an active fireplace filled the walls as the clinking of a nearby chime played accompaniment. Every room emitted its own air. Yet, on the brink of winter, none was cold.

As the travellers' feet hit the smooth floorboards, the mingling scents of burning wood, flowers, and ink welcomed them to the abode of the eccentric woman. A smile tugged on the Enchantress's lips as her shoulders fell and her eyes took in the familiar sight. Nostalgia overcame her, her nose tingled and eyes threatened tears.

"It hasn't changed..." She heard herself whisper.

The door closed behind them with an obnoxious thud, the scattering footsteps of the homeowner followed soon after as she approached the trio. Shaking her head, the woman flitted around, nudging them to remove their muddy shoes and pushing them further into the hall.

"Go on, get yourselves cleaned up! There's bathrooms upstairs and down," she badgered, tugging the coat off the Enchantress's shoulders. "I'll bring you lot some clean clothes while you wash up."

Not needing further instruction, the Enchantress wandered to the staircase and wrapped her hands around the familiar, brass railings. Her feet carried themselves up the stairs, retracing the familiar path to the bathroom.

As the Enchantress disappeared from view, the strange woman looked to the remaining duo. Examining the pair, her eyes fell on the little girl, narrowing as she noted the clouded gaze that filled the child's glazed pupils. She walked over and ushered Zel to follow her, turning to the apprentice before leading Zel away.

"Thank you, for coming. How did you get her to follow you here?" she asked, a warm smile on her face.

"Well," he started. "You once told me she was weak willed. She can't stand to refuse the stench and persistence of a young man with horse excrement smeared under his shoes."

The woman chuckled, her voice gaining volume as she broke into hysterical laughter. "That sure is one way to approach her."

The researcher smiled at the woman's laughter. "I am currently her apprentice. So, please, do treat me as such." He gave a mocking curtsy to the chuckling woman.

"Alright," she complied, composing herself. "In all honesty, how did you convince her to leave her house? Does she know who you really are?"

"Oh," the boy started. "I didn't. She hasn't a clue who I am- beyond a researcher. I broke her mist-ball and she had me to follow her here."

The woman's face fell. Her bright eyes darkened and her brows furrowed together in disdain.

"You broke it?" she scoffed, her hand finding its way to rest on her forehead. "Why in the world- never mind. I'll ask you this after you clean yourself up. You all look atrocious, go!"

The boy's lips tightened to a cloddish grin as he quickly ran over to pat Zel's head before turning to the corridor near the staircase. Watching the boy bound off, the woman found a smile returning to her lips. With a sigh and a chuckle, she led the little girl away – on whose face was smeared dirt and whose hair was tangled beyond any means.

"Come on, little one," she muttered, holding out her hand for the child to take. "Let's get you all cleaned up."

Giving a quick nod as she gripped the strange woman's hand, Zel silently allowed the woman to tug her along. 

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