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The bell rings suddenly and it's deafening ring sounds throughout the halls of the school and I feel like smashing my head against my locker. I didn't get enough sleep last night to deal with today.
AP Math C
Why do I choose to torture myself like this?

I adjust the straps of my back pack and straighten out the dark maroon crop top covering my chest, I was for sure in violation of the dress code but who actually cares? I defiantly do not. I'm sorry my belly button is "distracting" but it's 50 degrees outside, give me a break. Education is more important then the clothing I choose to wear thank you very much.
I slam my locker door closed, letting out a massive sigh. Once I have all of my things ready and i've gathered up all the energy I had, I begin my decent down the hallway towards the class I was dreading the most today. Don't get me wrong, maths was not very hard to me but it was a lot of work and me being a straight A student, keeping up with all the work got a little overwhelming.

As I was on my way to my classroom, hear a small amount of ruckus near the cafeteria doors and as I turn my head to look in the direction of the commotion, my eyes roll almost instantly. One day they were going to roll out of my head I swear. Kane and his "posse" were laughing and being very loud, louder than needed, just to make sure everyone could here them I guess, but I soon realise why and my stomach turns slightly.

There was a kid standing in the corner, she couldn't have been more than 13 and they were picking on her. I usually would not get myself involved in this bullshit, I liked to mind my own business especially when it came that bunch of idiots but seeing as I had a particularly rough morning, I felt like taking my feelings out on someone and maybe hitting something, for the greater good of course, plus the poor kid seemed in great distress and I bet you anything that it was her first day, which made this situation even worse.

"Reed." I say just a little louder then need be, just to make sure they knew who they were about to turn around to. That seemed to get his attention and he turned my way, the rest of his little clan doing the same, taking the focus off the kid.

"What do you think you're doing?" I stopped just in front of them all, peaking over their shoulders to check on the kid. She was shaking, and it seemed as though she had been crying, god these guys are going to end up in jail one day and that day couldn't come faster.

"Socialising, Adams, what does it look like?" I wanted to wipe that giant smirk off his face so badly.

"It seems to me that socialising in your dictionary is vastly different from Oxfords because this looks a little bit more like harassment to me." He rolls his eyes, he did not just roll his eyes at me, this boy really wants a hit.

"Just showing the newbie who runs this place."

"Shut your mouth Jason I wasn't talking to you." I raise a finger to Jason's face.

"Pick on someone your own size you fucking ass-hats." I motion over to the kid to come behind and she does. She moves quickly and hides behind me making Kane glare at me.

"Whatever we do is none of your bloody business you little bitch." Jason seems to find a small amount of courage and speaks up, I look at him for a second before punching him square in the nose. He falls back into Kane and Jordan who catch him before he hits the ground.
I crouch down in front of him and bite down on my bottom lip to stop and evil giggle from escaping my mouth.

"Call me that again, I dare you."

I come up from my crouched position as they all stand and shuffle away from me, Once Jason seemed to recover he leaves the rest of the group to find a bathroom to clean up the stream of blood that was now coming from his nose. The rest of them eventually leave and follow Jason. Kane stays behind for a second before leaving. I roll my eyes, will boys ever grow up?
Apparently not.
I turn to the kid that they were picking on and lean down to reach her height.

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