Thank you

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I was bored to death in my maths class, the teacher wouldn't stop talking and I couldn't wait to get out of here. I continue to write on a page in my book as the teacher speaks, much to my displeasure, until the bell rings and I stand up almost immediately. I grab my things and leave the classroom as soon as I can. I head over to my locker and shove everything inside it and prepare for my next class, ancient history, a class I actually loved. I look to my left and I could see my younger sister Jane a few lockers down putting her things away, she didn't seem to happy. I close my locker and hold my things under my arm, today was her first day of high school and I was going to make sure it was the best day ever for her. But when I sore her frowning, a sudden rush of anger coursed through me.

"Hey JJ, hows your first day?" I say ruffling her brown hair. She squeals and laughs, fixing the hair I just ruined.

"Not great honestly Bell." She soon frowns and I suddenly feel the anger building up inside me.

"What? Why? What's happened?" I swear to god if she says someone made her feel like this, I will hurt them.

"A guy named Kane Reed and his friends followed me from the library to the cafeteria and cornered me." I was fuming, how dare they, I will literally kill him and his little following of imbeciles.

"But luckily this girl came out of no where it seemed and she helped me, she even punched a guy named Jason in the face, it was so epic Bell!" That I was surprised to hear.

"Who was the girl that helped you?" I question.

"Her name was Violet. She has long dark brown hair and like the best fashion sense ever, she was really cool, she said I could come to her if those guys ever bothered me again.." I nod my head at this new information.

"She was so awesome Bell! She even made sure I got to class safe, she was really nice. Anyway I have to go!" That was the last thing she said before bounding off down the hallway. I laugh at her for a second before turning around.

Ian and Ed were approaching me and I meet them halfway.

"Whats up?" Ian says, stopping in front of me.

"I'm going to kick Kane's ass." I spit out.

"What has he down now?" Ian questions, crossing his arms.

"He cornered Jane by the cafeteria just before first period." Ian and Ed looked at eachother, the same level of anger arising to their faces.
Ian and Ed were like brothers to me, they have been in my life for 16 years and have been apart of Jane's life ever since she was born, they treated her like their little sister as well.

"That asshole, I bet he wasn't alone either." Ian says, looking around us, presumably looking for the group of shits.

"No he wasn't but JJ said something that kind of shocked me, Violet Adams came to her rescue." I say crossing my arms over my chest mirroring both of them, Ian and Ed had the same look on their faces of 'am I hearing this right?'

"Look, there she is." Ian points behind us and as I turn around I see her.

Violet Adams.
The girl I have had my eye on for a little while. She's a walking mystery, no one knows anything about her besides the fact she dresses like a vampire slayer and is an A+ student in every class. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty with many things and she definitely has a low tolerance for bullshit. She gets involved when she needs to, speaks when she feels it to be necessary otherwise shes dead silent and has a punch that could knock out a grown man. That was proven to us last year when a guy walked up behind her and tried to grab her ass as a prank. She grabbed a hold of his hand before it could even touch her and twisted it around, he then proceeded to call her a series of names before he got knocked out in one punch to the nose. Afterwards she simply moved forward in the lunch line and left the cafeteria without a second thought being spared toward the guy she had hit.
It was quite the show.

She used to hang around when I was doing theatre productions, when I actually had the time for that and from what I can remember she was quite the volleyball and basketball player. She stopped all that only a few weeks before I did.

And I didn't know why

I had to agree with JJ when she said Violet was cool, but she was very strange. She had no friends whatsoever, It didn't seem bother her much though. She just roamed alone and no one really questioned it. I know a lot of teachers adore her and she has a close friendship with Mr John, a really smart maths teacher as I have seen them talking a lot before.

"Hey, Adams!" I call out down the hall as I begin walking towards her. She quickly turns her head in my direction and the look on her face was easily identifiable as shock.

"Bellamy Blake, to what do I owe the pleasure?" She says with a sarcastic tone before I can say anything else.

"Thank you for helping my sister this morning." I say to her, getting straight to the point, I didn't want to stand here wasting my time.

"You're What?" She seems taken back by my thank you before hand and I can see that she is trying to put something together, and it clicked for me to, she didn't know Jane was my sister. She straightened herself up a little bit once she figured everything out.

"No one deserves to be picked on by them, I was just doing what anyone else would have done." Her face held a look of distance, like she was trying to make it seem she would hve done it for anyone else but i know that isn't true.

"Jane told me you punched Jason in the face." I said, Ian and Ed both still seemed very impressed by this.

"Yeah well that was for my pleasure mostly." She shrugged with an evil smile while closing her locker door shut.

"Seriously, it was nothing, she looked like she was in trouble and I honestly wouldn't have been able to walk away from it without feeling really guilty, don't worry about it." She shrugged again before moving past us without saying any more. We all turned to look at her as she travelled down the hallway and disappeared into the mass amount of students.

I didn't understand her.

She was crazily hard to read and it annoyed me because no matter how guarded people think they are, many are just walking open books, but her, I couldn't tell you a single thing about her.

The three of us turned towards each other once again.

"Well she's modest." Ed says.

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