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- - - Noelle(Halloween)

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"Sam!" I screeched, running around the corner into the kitchen. I fixed the sleeve of my ghost robe, my hair in curls cascading down my back. "Get a move on, would you? We were supposed to be there like 15 minutes ago!" I groaned, peeking around every corner in the household, searching for my fiancé. "Sammy, you coming or what?"

He poked his head around the corner of our bedroom, a little smile gracing his lips when he took a look at me. I smirked, engulfing him in a quick hug. His outfit of jeans and a shirt, I observed, was definitely not a costume.

"Angel, do I have to?" He groaned, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes lazybones, it'll be fun. Where's your costume?"

He laughed adorably, ducking his head with a smile. Sure, we had a past of being hunters, but it didn't hurt to have a little fun once and while. School and planning our future was stressing us both out, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

"You know how I feel about Halloween." He sighed, rubbing my arm soothingly.

I narrowed my eyes, blowing a strand of hair out of my face, "Yes, I realize Sammy. Don't you think it'll be fun to dress as the things you once hunted? Perhaps a little role-play as a ghost, blah blah blah?" He looked at me with a brow raised, chuckling softly at my poor excuse of a ghost imitation, "Alright, fine, but you're still going."

- - -

The bar was crowded, people dressed in costumes ranging from short-dress princesses and pirates slashing rubber swords. Halloween decorations adorned every wall such as fake webs and chocolate eyeballs in shot glasses. Even the bartenders sported some sort of accessory, being fangs, makeup, or a full-out dress up.

Sam and I sat at a table alone, shots in hand, and we smiled at each other. A girl, pink hair shining out underneath the ghoul makeup, walked through the tiny front door. I waved her over and grinned, high-fiving her for her creativity. We got ourselves some drinks, sitting back down at our own little table.

"Here's to my Sammy and his awesome LSAT score!" I cheered, raising my glass high in the air. Sam and I have been studying every year to try to nail the Law School Admissions Test, and I thankfully passed mine with flying colors. Our dreams were finally becoming a reality and my heart raced thinking about the future.

"All right, all right, it's not that big of a deal." He chuckled, as we all clinked glasses.

"Yeah, he acts all humble." I muttered to Kellie. "We all know he's extremely intelligent. Any school would be honored to have him. He scored a one seventy-four."

Sam and Kellie both down their shots and I rolled my eyes. We all got along so well over the past couple years, and we celebrated every victory together. It's no surprise that this one was no different.

"Is that good?" She asked, her head wobbling a bit from the sudden intake. "I don't know anything, I'm too out of it tonight."

I downed my drink, "Scary good. My baby's a genius."

He smiled, "Actually, I got an interview here. Monday. If it goes okay I think I got a shot at a full ride next year."

I rubbed his back, staring deeply into his hazel orbs. Sam was always so worried about stuff like this. It was his dream, he was focused, so we all knew he'd do great even if he said otherwise.

"Hey." I kissed his cheek. "It's gonna go great."

"It better." He mumbled, glancing back at Kellie.

"How does it feel to be the golden boy in the family, Sasquatch?" Kellie snickered, downing another shot as if it was lemonade.

"Ah, they don't know." He said, fiddling with his fingers. His family was a sore topic for while; the only person he was able to talk to about it was me.

"Oh, no." She said, looking at him with disbelief. "I'd be gloating like a bish. Why not?"

"We're not exactly the Bradys." Sam chuckled, grabbing my hand in his own for comfort. He hadn't seen them in years and he wasn't about to go back to the times he's tried to forget.

She scoffed, "And I'm not exactly the Huxtables. More shots?"

"No." Sam and I said in unison, seeing as she was already tipsy and we would most likely have to drive her to the dorms later. I only allowed myself one shot, as to be the escort home for the three of us. Kellie pushed off the hand I placed on her shoulder and hobbled up to the bar anyways.

Looking at Sam, he let out a breath that I hadn't realized he'd been holding in. He was stressing himself out over something he was sure to get. I didn't understand him sometimes, but I love him the same.

"No, seriously, I'm proud of you Sammy. You're gonna knock them dead on Monday and you're gonna get that full ride. I know it." I explained, hugging him close to me.

"What would I do without you, angel?" He muttered into my hair, taking in my scent of vanilla.

"Crash and burn." I smirked, connecting our lips sweetly and getting the taste of him mixed in with the alcohol.

- - -

I lay next to my angel, back to back with her, as we were exhausted from tonight's activities. Halloween was always a bit edgy for me, since every town was filled with people pretending to be things that could seriously injure or kill them. I was raised hunting this stuff and I knew exactly what it could do. Noelle always tried to make this time of year more exciting, and I couldn't ask for better, but nothing could stop it from reminding me of my family.

Suddenly, a sound from the other room echoed throughout the house and I shot awake. Glancing over at my angel, I stroked her hair softly before shifting the covers and leaving the bedroom.

A window was open, and I knew I closed them all before we went to bed. Panicking, I observed around the apartment for anything that could possibly hurt an intruder; nothing. I silently prayed that whatever it was wasn't going after Noelle. I'd take a bullet or a knife or anything to protect her. She had a future here, one that I was going to make sure she would fulfill.

The light sound of footsteps pattered on the floor and I moved swiftly, waiting for the intruder to show themselves. The silhouette of a man made himself shown and I lunged, grabbing his shoulder. He knocked me off and swung, which I immediately ducked. The man then grabbed my arm, swinging me around, and shoved me back almost hitting a wall. In response I kicked and he blocked, pushing me back into another room. By the look in his apple green eyes, he saw and recognized my face. That's my first observation of the intruder, the one that could possibly harm the love of my life.

While I was distracted, he elbowed me in the face and I kicked at his head. He immediately ducked and swung, me blocking in return. The man knocked me down and pinned me to the polished wooden floor, one hand at my neck and the other holding my wrist quite firmly.

"Whoa, easy tiger." They chuckled.

I sucked in a breath, "Dean?"

Words | 1267

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