[Ch 6]

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- - -Noelle

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The feel of arms wrapped around me startled me awake, as I drifted closer to the comfort. This dorm looked similar to my own, but vaguely unfamiliar. The other side of the room did not house a bright haired girl, but instead piles of messy clothes and a smirking brunette boy.

"Hey sunshine, see you spent the night." He chuckled. "Sammy got lucky."

I immediately slinked out of Sam's arms, remembering what he said. "Do NOT call him that."

He puckered his lips eyeing me up and down with hunger, "Alright sweet cheeks, anything for you."

I rolled my eyes and walked back over to Sammy, sleeping peacefully like a small child. I can't remember the last time he told me he slept like this. Glancing at the digital clock, it flashed a time that was soon to be our first class. We didn't have it together, but he complained about the time he had to wake in the morning. I gently cupped his cheek and smiled, taking in the calm before it was to be ruined by the hatred in the world.

"Wake up, Sammy." I whispered, stroking his face gently. "Sammy, come on, we're gonna be late."

He groaned, eyelids fluttering open to reveal the hazel buried underneath. His groggy face turned bright when his eyes met my baby blues.

"Noelle." He grumbled, his husky morning voice forcing the butterflies to return yet again. "Leaving so soon?"

I giggled, "Sam, we have school remember?"

"Don't remind me." He rolled his eyes. "It's crazy how I wanted to be here but I also hate it so much."

Evan chuckled in the background, "Alright, Sam, I'm gonna have to kick your darling out." He turned to me, mischief radiating from him. "Unless you want to see these clothes on the floor."

Sam's features turned cold as I gulped, getting up from my kneeling position and heading to the door. I met Evan's blazing blue eyes before turning back to Sam, waving and mouthing a goodbye before leaving the dorm. Sometimes guys could be such pigs, and it was comforting to know Sam was not. I couldn't say the same for his roommate, however.

Kellie eyed me tiredly as I entered the room, anxious to change my clothes before I smelled like men and B.O. My outfit today was simple; a floral sundress with a green mini-sweater, cowboy boots, and hoop earrings.

Kellie looked at me in shock as she put her pink hair in a short braid. Her outfit consisted of a black graphic tee from Guns & Roses, jeans, and a leather jacket with some high tops. If I wasn't feeling all giddy from spending the night at Sam's and wanting to look my best, I would wear something along those lines.

You Need It Most {Sam Winchester}Where stories live. Discover now