[Ch 10]

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- - - Sam

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"You scared the crap out of me!" I growled.

He chuckled. "That's 'cause you're out of practice."

I grabbed a hold of his hand, yanking hard and slamming my heel into his back and throwing Dean to the floor.

"Or not." He groaned, staring me in the eyes. "Get off of me."

I rolled to my feet instantaneously and pulled him up, rubbing any dirt off of my clothing. "What the hell are you doing here?"

He pushed back his hair, glancing towards the kitchen, "Well, I was looking for a beer."

I rolled my eyes and repeated, "What the hell are you doing here?"

He coughed, "Okay, alright. We gotta talk."

"Uh, how about the phone?" I suggested.

"If I'd have called, would you have picked up?" He asked seriously. Hearing a click behind me, I looked back at the bedroom door to make sure our little scene didn't startle Noelle awake. A girl under her type of pressure deserved to rest. However, my assumptions were correct as she exited the room groggily and walked over.

"Sammy?" She questioned.

- - -

The sound of crashing outside the bedroom door made me jolt awake. I reached over to Sam for comfort, but seeing as he wasn't there I had to make a move. Quietly, I slipped out of bed and turned on the light, sneaking out the bedroom door. To my surprise, Sam was standing there with a man quite familiar to me.

"Noelle, Hey. You remember Dean, right?" He smiled. "Dean, this is Noelle Coleman, my fiancé."

Dean chuckled in surprise and stomped over, lifting me in his arms, "Little sunshine! I didn't know you were here! Congrats, by the way. Couldn't even text me, really Sam? Let me tell you, sunshine, you were out of my brother's league then and you definitely are now."

I rubbed the nape of my neck sheepishly once he let me go, "I should probably go put something on." Glancing down at my cropped black shirt and short blue shorts, I noticed I wasn't exactly in appropriate attire for guests.

Dean eyed me up and down, "No, no, no. I wouldn't dream of it, seriously."

I observed Sam, his features stony as Dean walked back over to his side. It was quite a surprise that Dean showed up, and so late at night. No wonder Sam was startled awake. By the looks of the broken window and the harsh noises I heard, it didn't help that he broke in to our apartment either.

"Anyway, I have to borrow your fiancé here, to talk about some private family business." Dean coughed, saluting me. "But it was nice seeing you again, sunshine."

You Need It Most {Sam Winchester}Where stories live. Discover now