First Love - Eleven

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The next Day I'm out hunting, Lacey is in the cave staring at nothing. When I come back I strip the food.

"Cato! Cato!" i hear clove and drop my things running for the cornucopia. A cannon goes off and  when I get there, I see Clove lifeless.

"No, Clove. Who did this to you, I'll kill 'em" i hold her. But I stop when I see the number 8 bag dumped on the floor. I let go of Clove then grab it looking for ours.

"someone's taken our the bastards" I snarl and head back to Lacey. She is in the same place I've left her.

"Hey Lace i have your bag" she looks and it.

"what's in it?" she wonders. I open it up and take out a letter.

"Dear Lacey Marie Ryder. We are pleased to offer you a lifeline of adopting a tribute partner. You may chose a single tribute who has lost their own and if agreed you may both win. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favour." i read out. Looking up at her i smile.

"Lacey you know what this means" she looks at me hollow

"if you want me, we can both go home...together."

"You have Clove" she mutters

"i don't, I think it was 11 killed her and took our bag." I lift her face.

"Baby i know it hurts you care a lot about Burton but you have to snap out of this, It's killing me seeing you like this. I know you had a drive to keep him safe and now you don't know what to do, but you can have a new one"

"new one?" she questions

" I am in love with you and i know you're in love with me. If we get out of here we can have more nights on roof tops looking at the stars"

"we can" i see something change in her slowly.

"yes more kisses and laughs, we can have a life all you have to do is want it. Us together"


"even past our deaths" i whisper and kiss her. I don't care if around her I'm soft because she's special and Mom always said when you find someone worth killing for you never let them go. It was proberly the only decent none fighting advice she gave me. Lacey kissed back this time and i brought her closer. Fortunately we were still being watched so i pulled back.

"hello" i smiled, she gave me a weak one back


"you hungry?" i wondered

"a little" i stand up and pull her to where the fire was going i cooked a bird and split it between us.

"so we can leave together seen as were now both district 8's"

"who says I'm an 8"

"because it said i could adopt you. So you're an 8" she smiled, i missed that smile.

"okay you win I'm an 8" she chuckled slightly. We talked for a little while and then she went to wash herself. i stood guard and kept an eye out but no onee came close and i didn't feel like we were being watched other than spectators. When she came back we laid in the cave and soon it became dark.

The next day we move closer to the Cornucopia where we picked edible berries when there was another Cannon.

"five left two couples and 1 male" Lacey muttered

"good only three standing in the way between us getting out of here." i reply


It was a little after noon when it was getting dark.

"why is it getting dark" i asked Cato

"it's them telling us to move it, they must be getting bored now there is only five." Cato replied i sat down and started eating berries. we lit a fire and all was well until we heard growling.

"Cato something's there" he stood up and held out his sword. then we saw glowing eyes.

"Run" he yelled we started running through the woods towards the cornucopia. At some point we ran past two other figures which i presumed were the 'star crossed lovers'. Running across the field we panted and there was a scream followed by a cannon and the boy from 11 was dead.

"just us as the lovers" Cato muttered

"we need to climb up their if we're going to survive" there was another growl and we started climbing. Once we were on top we stuck to the shadows in case whatever was chasing us didn't kill the lovers. Only minutes after did the scramble onto the top of the cornucopia and both looked down.

"Stay here" Cato got up and went for Peeta. I watched as Katniss tried to help but she was pushed away. Katniss got up and tried to get Cato but he swung his sword at her and they struggled. He held her head over for the mutts to get her but i saw Peeta go for him and drag him back and off her, they fought and Cato got the upper hand and brought him into a headlock.  Katniss held up her bow ready to shoot.

"no" i screamed running out. she swung her aim to me. "please don't kill him, please i can't lose him too." she looked between me and Cato.

"If he lets Peeta go i won't shoot." i nod and go over to Cato and take his arm.

"let him go Cato" i whisper he looks at me.

"why i could kill him and let you get her" he did have a point but i was still disorientated from the past few days i wouldn't be fast enough than her bow.

"only after she killed you. i can't lose you as well" he let go and hugged me.

"They don't have to win you know" we looked to Katniss "the Capitol" she dug in her pocket and took out some nighlock. i shared a look with Cato who had a bright idea to play along but not swallow.

"they don't need a victor." she came over and gave us some

"one" Peeta started

"two" Katniss continued

"three" i went to eat them when a voice stopped us.

"Stop! Stop!" i threw the berries away like they were contagious. "Ladies and Gentlemen may i present the winners of the 74th Annual Hunger Games. Cato Valentino, Lacey Ryder, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark" i was pulled into a hug by Cato and wind picked up as a hover craft came down.


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