Annoyed Twins

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It was Monday so they got to get ready for school.Toby was out for work and their mum was at some electioneering thing with Melissa so they were alone.Taylor was already in kindergarten and Spencer was making coffee.Alex walked down the stairs to the smell of fresh made coffee.„Morning sis ",she greeted.„Hey Lex",Spencer said,turning around to the sound of her twins voice.Alex got herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the counter with Spencer.„Got plans for today?"she asked.„Not really,the normal stuff and preparing for sleepover",Spencer answered.„I've got some studying for french and meeting with Han ",Alex answered,checking on her phone.„Come on,I don't want to be late ",Spencer said,grabbing her bag and the keys.Alex followed her to the car and they quickly arrived at school.They met with Emily,Hanna and Aria at their lockers,greeting each other quickly.„Lexy,why didn't you answered me yesterday?"Hanna asked.„Dinner with mums competitor ",Alex sighed annoyed.„You poor ",Hanna pitied .„Come on,we've got to go ",Aria said,walking towards her class.Spencer and Alex got English first so they got off to their class.Spencer sat down whilst Alex first kissed Shawn and then joined her sister.It didn't waist long till the teacher arrived.„We've got a new member,guys.Since today,Yvonne joins us ",Ezra told them.„What!?"the twins hissed.They had some feeling that Yvonne causes trouble.She sat down just next to them and Alex sighed in annoyance.They looked at Yvonne curiously and Alex even glared.„What?"Yvonne asked innocent.„Nothing ",Alex mumbled .„Hello „,Spencer said,trying to smile.„Hello ",Yvonne said and turned away.Both twins were upset and angry,but tried to hide it.Finally,the bell rang and they left class quickly, but not quickly enough.„Hey",Yvonne cried out.They tried to ignore her,but she catched up with them and they had no choice.„Wanna eat lunch with me today?"she asked.„Sorry,we're eating with our friends ",Alex said a little bit annoyed and tried to drag Spencer away.„Oh,okay.Can I join you?"Yvonne tried once more.„We've got some private things to sort",Alex hissed and dragged Spencer away.They both sighed in annoyance as they catched the other girls.„What's up?"Aria asked curiously.„The daughter of our mums competitor is in our english course now ",Spencer explained.„Ough",Hanna said pitiful.„Yep ",Alex agreed.Next lesson,they got different classes.Spencer got French and Alex got Spanish so they said goodbye and wandered off to their classes.After another two lessons,they met again and got to cafeteria for lunch with the others.They all sat down at their usual place and started talking.„What are we gonna do?"Emily asked.Everybody thought A was gone,but nobody knew that a week after Mona got into Radley,it all started again.Even more worse than before,but they hadn't told anyone except from Toby and Caleb.„We're gonna stay calm and see what's going on ",Hanna answered.„Han,I've got to know what's going on.I've got a family to protect ",Spencer said.„I understand you Spence,but we can't do anything ",Hanna answered.„What are you talking about?"a voice suddenly asked.They quickly turned quiet and looked at each other.„Can I join you?"Yvonne asked annoying happily.Aria made a bit of space for her to sit down and Yvonne sat down with them.„So what were you talking about?"she asked.Nobody answered.„Okay...",Yvonne was a bit uncomfortable.„I've got to get to class ",Aria excused herself and stood up.„Me too ",Hanna said and followed her with Emily behind her.„Did I scare them off?"Yvonne questioned .„Nooo,they didn't ran away because of you half an hour before the next lesson starts ",Alex said annoyed.Spencer kicked her sister a little bit to shut her up.„Come on sis,we're gonna be late",Alex sighed and grabbed Spencer's arm.Spencer followed her sister to their lockers.„Thanks Lex,I couldn't have done this " ,she sighed.„I know sis.You're not the one to be mean ",Alex smiled.„What's next?"Spencer asked.„Geography ",Alex answered.„Let's go ",Spencer said and hooked in with her sister.After school,they drove home together .„Mummy ",Taylor exclaimed happily when they entered the front door.She ran straight into her mothers arms and Spencer picked her up.„I missed you ",Taylor giggled.„I missed you too,Baby ",Spencer mumbled.Taylor jumped down and started playing again.Spencer did some school things till Alex got downstairs again .„I'm going shopping with Han.We're gonna prepare the sleepover when I'm home,okay?"she asked.„Your room or mine?"Spencer questioned.„Yours,bye sis ",Alex said and kissed her niece goodbye.Then she left.About an hour later,the door opened and Spencer looked up.She jumped up and hugged Toby close.„I'm so glad you're home ",she sighed.„Everything alright?"Toby asked skeptical.„Yvonne is now in our English course ",Spencer said annoyed.Toby kissed her cheek and lead her to the couch.„Taylor,would you go upstairs,honey?"Toby asked cheekily.„Of course ",Taylor agreed and hurried upstairs.When her door was closed,Spencer and Toby started kissing passionated and it quiet fast turned out into a make out session,until there was a knock on the door.Spencer was only in her underwear,so she grabbed Toby's shirt and hurried to the door.When she opened the door,she sighed softly.„Hey,I wanted to ask something about school ",Yvonne said ,not knowing how much she interrupted Spencer.Spencer took a deep breath and said:„Come in."„She lead her through the livingroom and sat on the couch next to a shirtless Toby.Yvonne looked at them a bit surprised.„Sorry if I interrupted you,but I didn't know what to do so I thought maybe we can go for a coffee or have dinner tonight?"she asked pleadingly.„Sorry,sleepover with the girls ",Spencer replied.„Oh...can I join you?"Yvonne tried again.„We've got to discuss some pretty private things",Spencer answered and fell deeper into Toby's arms.„Okay..",Yvonne replied and left sadly.„Ourgh ",Spencer exclaimed annoyed.„Come down,Babe ",Toby calmed her.„Sorry,but she's been like that the whole day and I'm just a bit annoyed.Can we go on where we stopped ?"she asked and kissed him.He smirked at her and pulled her down on the couch again.When the whole thing got serious,Toby picked her up and carried her upstairs gently.After the whole make out thing,Spencer fell asleep for a while in his arms.He felt every little breath she took on his chest when he stroked her cheek softly.After about an hour,her eyes opened again.„Hey Honey ",Toby smiled.„Hey",Spencer replied and curled up in his side.They stayed like this for a while,before Spencer finally got up and started preparing for the sleepover.She carried all the mattresses into her room and got duvets and pillows for all of them.Then she put all the sweets in her room and chose a few movies.After that she brought Taylor to Melissa cause Melissa would babysit her for the night She was ready with everything when Alex got home.„Hey,you're already ready?"she asked.„Yes, I thought that would be less stressful ",Spencer replied and followed her sister to her room .„Yeah,thanks.Sorry I'm so late,but Hanna couldn't decide ",Alex excused herself.„Guess what ",Spencer teased her sister.„What?"Alex asked curiously.„Yvonne has been here ",Spencer answered.„What!?"Alex exclaimed.„Yes,she wanted to do something with me and as I said I'm busy with the sleepover,she even asked if she could stay ",Spencer replied.„But you said no ",Alex questioned scared.„Of course I said no.We don't need another one who's asking questions about Ali and A ",Spencer answered.„Yes,you're right ,lets get dressed ",Alex said and handed her sister a Pyjama.„No,I'm gonna wear one of Toby's Shirts ",Spencer chuckled and walked back to her room.When everyone was there,they ordered Pizza and laid down on their mattresses.The girls were fine with Toby being at their sleepover and listening to their conversations, they didn't care .Spencer was curled up in his arms,enjoying the warmth of his body.After the pizza,they started talking about relationships.„So how is life as a fiancée,Spence?"Hanna asked playfully.„Just amazing ", Spencer said dreamy and snuggled deeper into Toby's chest.„What about you Aria?"Hanna questioned.„Ezra is working so much,we haven't much time together at the moment ",Aria sighed with a hint of sadness.„How is it with Paige?"Aria asked.„Complicated.She don't want to tell it her parents and I don't even know if I want her anymore ",Emily answered.„And you and Caleb?"Emily asked.„Just beautiful.He's with his mum at the moment ",Hanna explained.„Your turn Lex",Spencer mumbled half asleep.„Shawn is so cute.It's just perfect ",Alex said,blushing slightly.Toby stroked Spencer's cheek gently and she relaxed under his soft touch. It doesn't waist long and she had fallen asleep to his heartbeat calming her.The others fell asleep quickly after her.Toby was the first to wake up next morning.Spencer laid still in his arms,her head resting peacefully on his chest.Alex woke up too.She looked around,seeing that Toby was the only other one awake.Then she looked at her sister which was peacefully asleep in her fiancé's arms.It took a while before Hanna and Emily finally woke up too and Aria short after them,but Spencer still enjoyed her sleep.Finally,she opened her eyes and snuggled closer to Toby.„Ah,you finally woke up sis ",Alex chuckled.„It's just nine o'clock Lex ",Spencer groaned.„Does anybody want coffee?"Alex asked,jumping up.„Yes",all the others answered and Alex rushed down,making coffee for all of them.With six filled cups she got upstairs again.She handed each of them a cup and snuggled in her duvet again.„I'm hungry ",Hanna groaned and everybody laughed.„I'm gonna make breakfast ",Spencer giggled and slowly stood up,taking Toby with her.They made some sandwiches and hurried upstairs again.After breakfast,they all got dressed for school and Toby picked up Taylor,bringing her to the kindergarten.They hadn't much school today .Toby got to work during the girls drove to school.Before they left the car,Alex sighed in annoyance by the view of Yvonne,waiting for them.„This is gonna be fun ",Spencer groaned and opened the door.„Morning ",Yvonne giggled.„Morning ",the twins sighed.They hooked in and walked to their lockers.„How do we get rid of her?"Alex hissed.„Going to the toilet?"Spencer suggested.„No,she's gonna wait ",Alex sighed.„Then we've got to hold on",Spencer groaned and walked towards their English class.

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