Chained Twins

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Alex opened her eyes.She tried to focus on something.As she tried to get up,she noticed the chains around her wrists.She looked around.The room was grey and cold.Then she looked beside her where her twin laid,also chained and still sleeping.„Spencer ",she screamed and shook her body to get her awake.Spencer groaned in pain and opened her eyes.„Lex",she croaked.„I'm here ",Alex reassured her.Spencer tried to move,but the chains kept her down.„Where are we?"she asked scared.

One day earlier

The girls were at the police station.The police now thought they killed Ali.Spencer and Alex were in several rooms.They were scared of what's going to happen,but they can't escape.The door opened and Alex looked up.Lieutenant Tanner entered the room,but not alone.Her Mum was also there.„Mum",Alex sighed and relaxed at least a little bit.At the same time,a detective and her dad entered Spencer's room.„Dad",Spencer said scared.„Everything's alright,we're going to get you out of this ",her dad tried to calm her.„Where were you in the night of Alison DiLaurentises death?"both,Lieutenant Tanner and the detective asked.„In the barn ",both girls answered.„Did you notice anything ?" they asked.„No,I slept ",both twins answered.Suddenly,the detective and Lieutenant Tanner left.„Mum,what's going on?",Alex asked.„They're believing you girls killed Alison all together ",Veronica explained.„What?Why!?"Alex was confused now.„Cause you don't want your secrets to be discovered ",Veronica sighed.„But you and Dad trust us,right?"Alex questioned scared.„Of course,Alex ",her mum replied.„Where is Spencer?"Alex asked.Even if it was just about an hour she hadn't seen her sister,that doesn't changed the fact she missed her.„She's with your dad in another room ",Veronica replied.Suddenly,Lieutenant Tanner walked in again.„Alexia Sofie Hastings,you're under arrest for the murder of Alison DiLaurentis ",she said and put Alex in handcuffs.Alex looked at her mother in pure fear,tears falling from her eyes.Lieutenant Tanner dragged her away and lead her to a bus.„Spencer ",Alex cried,when she saw her sister.„Lex ",Spencer screamed,trying to get through her.They both were put in the bus and short after them,the others were also dragged into the bus.Nobody knew what happened.Suddenly,the bus started driving away.Alex leaned into her sister.They all were desperate and scared of what's going to happen.They hadn't done anything and now they were arrested for the murder of their friend?This was a huge nightmare.Then,there was a loud noise and the bus stopped.There were noises like shots and the girls flinched to the corner,pressing against each other.Then the door opened and a person in black clothes shot something after them.After that,everything turned black.

„I don't know ",Alex replied.„Lex,I'm scared ",Spencer cried.„What's going to happen?"Alex asked.„I don't know ",Spencer replied.They both slowly started crying and shivered.Then ,there was a loud noise and the door opened.A person in black clothes walked in and put some eat and drinks in front of them.They flinched in fear,until the person left.„Shall we?"Alex asked quietly.„Maybe ",Spencer whispered.They both took a piece of bread and ate it.When they finished their little meal,they snuggled up together in the corner.„Why are all these horrible things ever happening to us?"Alex asked.„Don't ask me ",Spencer sighed.„What are you thinking about?"Alex questioned,noticing that something's bothering her sister.„I'm thinking about Toby. I mean,why hadn't he shown up when we were at the police station?He became a cop to protect Taylor and me,but he wasn't there today.I don't even wanna think about how much Taylor is missing me and how crazy he's going without me.I hope he'll find us ",Spencer mumbled.„He will and he loves you,no matter if he's been there today or not ",Alex reassured her.„You're probably right ",Spencer sighed and rested her head on Alex's shoulder.

By Taylor and Toby

„Where's Mummy?"Taylor asked sadly.„Mummy is away with the girls ",Toby replied.„And when will she be back?"Taylor asked innocent.„I don't know Honey",Toby sighed and laid his arms around his daughter.He was confused.At first ,Spencer was arrested for murder and now she was kidnapped from A .He became a cop to protect her,but this time he failed.He broke his promise and he's got to find her as fast as possible.

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