Free Twins

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Spencer's POV

I don't know how long we've been down here but I don't think I can do this any longer.A is torturing us all day and we haven't seen the others since we're here. I don't think Alex can go through this any longer either. I know her.She tries to act like she's fine but she's broken.We have to escape.

General POV

„Lex?"Spencer asked.„Yes?"Alex answered weakly.„We have to get out of here ",she said.„Spence,we've been trying to find a way to escape the day we woke up here but A is gonna hurt us even worse if we try to escape ",Alex replied.„But remember that door we never tried because we were too scared?Maybe that's the right way. I can't do this anymore and neither can you.We have to try it",Spencer tried to convince her.„Spence ",Alex whined.„Alex,please.If we don't try we're probably gonna die down here",she said.„Okay,tonight we're gonna try it but if it doesn't work, I'll blame it on you ",Alex laughed a little.„Deal",Spencer chuckled and rested her head on her sisters shoulder.„Spence?"Alex asked after a moment of silence.„Hmm",Spencer mumbled.„I miss Sean",Alex sighed.„I know,I miss Toby too.And Taylor,Mum,Dad,even Melissa", Spencer replied.„They must be so worried ",Alex whispered.„We'll get out of here and back to them. I promise",Spencer said.They waited til it turned night and the generator turned off.That was a thing they learned in the time they spent here.Every night,it turned off at the same time.„Come on,we have to go",Spencer said and got up.A made the mistake to trust them after a while so they weren't chained anymore.Spencer grabbed Alex's hand and dragged her out of their room.The marks of the chains on their wrists were still visible along with even worse ones on their waists.When they first tried to escape,A chained them on their waists instead of their wrists.The chains were that tight,they had big bruises and scars from other tortures.Spencer dragged Alex outside and towards the door.She quickly tried to push it open.After a few tries and her sisters help,she finally got to open the door and they stumbled into the cold,dark night.„We're free",Alex exclaimed in disbelief.„Come on,we've got to run. I don't want A to get us again",Spencer said and grabbed Alex's hand.They ran through the forest as fast as they could.Branches left scratches all over their bodies but none of them cared.They ran without knowing where they were going.They just needed to get away from that prison as fast as possible.Suddenly,they saw a street.They stumbled out of the forest and onto the street,breathing and coughing heavily.That's when Spencer saw it.Welcome to Rosewood.There was the big,blue sign.„Let's go home",Alex said,still breathing heavily.They hooked in their arms and started to walk towards the city.After a while,they entered the city.They started to run again,not really wanting to be seen by anyone.When they reached their house,they were both shaking and struggling for air.They walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.As the door opened,they both stood there.Shaky,full of scars and bruises,but alive.

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