A disturbance in the multiverse

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I held Cara with my magic while we were talking with US paps. The Chara I was holding was the Chara from this AU, which surprised me because they were meant to be like frisk in the original AU. Blue was walking into the kitchen with ink while Chara somehow passed out. I stared at their body noticing that they seemed to be stressed and were fighting something inside them. 

"um Ink? Do you  know whats up with Chara?" I asked. Ink came into the living room. "oh gosh what are they doing!?" Blue said coming in right behind Ink. I let go  of Chara. They started coughing like mad and didn't stop then there was a green light around them and then something that looked somewhat like a ghost left their body. I looked at Ink who looked back at me. "w-was Chara possessed?" US paps asked. I shrugged "I'll look into it a little more." I said before making a glitched portal. I looked at Ink who walked over and waved to Blue before we walked through the portal.

We got to the void I walked ahead a bit before opening a screen  to an AU. "this was a pacifist route but half way through something attacked the Frisk of that timeline and they went back and killed everyone. I pulled up more screens the same thing happened in every AU. "strange.." I said looking at each one. Ink walked up next to me "these AU's.." He said "whats happened to them and why are they all genocide?" He asked "not genocide....they WERE pacifist." I said. Ink looked at me, both his eyes were black. "...what..." He said, the dead look in his face said he was getting angry. "calm down.." I said "not all the AU's are like that if we hurry we can get there before the ghost thing does and....and" "help them..." he finished "yes" I said opening a portal. I walked through Ink following close behind.         

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