Chapter 9

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Author's Note: 

So before I begin, I just wanted to remind ya'll that there will be more chapters to come, and I'll try to upload as many possible, since I also have school work to worry about too. But I WILL DO MY BEST FOR YA'LL SINCE I LOVE YA'LL SO MUCH X

So without further or ado, here is CHAPTER NINE!!!




Albus's P.O.V: 

When the First Task was over, there was a great party held in the Gryffindor Common Room, everyone got an invite and I am having a blast! The room is crowded with people, and for the first time since... well I can't remember, Diana came to the party as well. It's so good to see her, and I also thought it would have been a good time to have a proper conversation with her, since our previous ones weren't so welcoming since she came back.

"Hey Dee." I greeted, my heart bursting with enthusiasm on seeing her.

"Hi Albus, congratulations on slaying that manticore." She responded, with her smile, which would brighten up my mood anytime.

"Congratulations to you too on beating the Elemental Dragon. I really liked how you savaged the beast." I says.

Diana laughs, which honestly sounded nice, I haven't seen her in a year, so hearing her laugh, seeing her smile makes me feel a little good about myself. Also, the first time I got to see how incredibly strong she was against something that was ten times her size, it was an amazing thing to witness. Like I said before, I was proud to see it.

Things got a bit crazy Common Room as we both chatted around, like I may have caught some people snogging a little, not going to mention any names. There were a few sparks of mini fireworks that came from the Weasley & Weasley Joke Shop in Diagon Alley.

"So, what do you think about the fireworks? I hear that Fred and George are coming up with their new products, which are going to be part of a new selection in the store. I forgot the name though."

"I love the fireworks. They along with the instant darkness crystals are my favorite."

"Really?! I really love the fireworks too. Remember what they did to Umbridge? That was the best thing ever!" I exclaim. I honestly had no idea she like the firework ones, then again, it would have explained why she seemed so excited by the fireworks on New Year's Eve in our second year when we stayed at Hogwarts along with Zachery Finnigan, Henry Longbottom and Scorpio Malfoy. That was a good year to have fun.

We just sat down on one of the red velvet couches next to the fire place when Zachery came, unaware that Diana was sitting in front of me. "Hey Albus! Bro did you see how Diana beaten beast?! Bruh that was AWESOME!!!" he yelled, no one seemed to care that he is, the room's so loud anyways. I try to not say anything, of course, he noticed immediately,

"Dude, why aren't you answer-" he turned his head, noticed Diana is in the red couch right in front of me, then turned beet red! The embarrassment kills! It's so much fun seeing him getting all flustered over it, I was trying so hard not to laugh, but it got out. Eventually. Thank god it happened after the party.

We just entered the Boys Dormitory when it happened, and of course, Zachery was still really in a fluster about it, with makes it even more hilarious.

"DUDE?! Seriously? Did you have to embarrassed me in front of her?!" he asks, throwing himself on the bed, and burying is face in the cushions like an upset nine year old.

"Hey, I had no part to play in your mini embarrassment scene. You're the one who messed it up for yourself." I said.

"BUSTED!" exclaimed Volly who sneaked into the Gryffindor's Boy's Dormitories under the Invisibility Cloak I gave him for his fourteenth birthday, that was in fact last month, Peter also tagged along with Volly. Don't blame him though, I have to admit that

"So Volly, how did you feel when you saw your sister, fight that beast?" asked Peter, once he entered the room. Volly shrugged, he seemed to be unaffected, as if he expected this much from his sister. "I actually was really impressed. Then again, she's my sister, she's always full of surprises." I laughed when he said this. He's right, Diana is full of surprises. That's what I liked about her. As a friend of course. If it is more than friendship, then I would be betraying Simon's promise, and I am a man of my word. No matter what. I know I've been mentioning this guy on a few occasions, let me explain:

Simon was once a student here in Hogwarts. He was a Hufflepuff and Diana's first boyfriend in her third year. He and Diana were inseparable. Whether it was during school hours, or outside of school.

I had the pleasure of meeting Simon myself first hand actually. We met at the tennis court in Country Club. I was with Scorpio, who of course, met him first, since him and Diana are cousins there is bound chance he would have collided with Simon first. I met the guy and he was really nice, very decent and adequate. He never bragged about how he was the best, and I was really happy Diana met someone as cool as him. Always smiling and supportive at whatever you wanted to do or aren't capable of doing, a great sportsman as well. He was a tennis teacher for the children at the Country Club, well-built too for the sport I may add, blond almond hair, and green eyes that never left Diana's side.

I'll be honest, I envied him actually. Having such a great personality and having the most amazing girl by your side, you could see why I was maybe a little.........

It doesn't matter really, because it's probably the biggest regret I had against him. I was walking with Simon. Alone. One afternoon coming back from Country Club, and we were crossing the street, when the green light was on so the people can walk, but then a crazy moving truck came, and the next thing I knew Simon was on the ground. What happened next is probably what you could have had imagined. I immediately called the cops with my shaking hands, and an ambulance. But by the time the ambulances arrived the injures had their toll on Simon.

Simon died in the St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, but before his final hours, a nurse, upon his request, summoned for my presence. Diana was in the hospital with me since day one. The nurses told her at the same time that he wasn't going to make it, so at that moment, I could tell in her eyes that she was breaking.

When I arrived to his room, he beckoned to me to come closer.

"Albus. Before I go, I want you to promise me something" he whispered. I came close enough for him to whisper his last words to me.

"Protect Diana. Make sure she has the best life, and keep her smiling, and..."

"Tell her that I love her, with every single magic that is left of me." He concluded.

"I promise." I said and with that, with those final wishes. Simon passed.

By the time Diana came into the room, she busted into tears. I couldn't help to feel a great loss, a void that I feel I couldn't fill in, and most terribly, a great regret that I could probably never surpass.

There was a burial for Simon, my parents, along with Diana's were willing to pay for the funeral. Everyone who knew him, who got to know him came. Even the professors, well Professor Longbottom did anyways, along with Professor McGongall and Professor Dumbledore.

Diana was still crying, and I couldn't blame her. Simon was probably the best person, the best guy for her.

Something I will never be...

Albus Potter and the Return of Diana Riddle (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now