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They arrived to the house and the same guy from last week opened the door. Camila looked at him curious when she realized he had a bandage around his left arm and a couple of small, purple bruises all around his face.

However, he cracked a smile and let them in, welcoming them as they entered, asking them how was it going.

Camila didn't say a thing, because for some reason the boy seem angry or irritated, and the last thing she wanted was to trigger him.

—Mila, honey, you're being quieter than usual, even if it sounds kinda impossible—Ashley talked when they got into another room different to the one they were in last time and she talked again, seeing the other girl wasn't planning on talking—Chill, your girl will be here and you'll get to know her better.

Camila slapped her in the arm when she heard that, feeling her cheek turning pink—Asshole—She told her, within a breath.

—Girls, come here—Ashton said, standing in one of the three tables made of wood and steel that where positioned vertically through the entire room, which seem to be the dinner room of the house, which almost looked like a mansion for Camila.

The girls sat down where Ashton told them, and Camila looked at the room again, this time not looking for Dua, but focusing on it.

The tables were decorated with white tablecloths with designs made with golden strings.

The tables where also made of wood, with some details made of steel, making them look elegant and expensive.

—Lookin' for her, uh?—Ashley asked with a smile, and when Camila turned around to see her, she started to raise her eyebrows, gaining another slap on the arm from her.

—Looking for who?—Ashton asked from the other side of the table. For some reason he sat in front of them instead of sitting next to Camila.

Before answering, Camila looked around to make sure the girl they were talking about wasn't there—For... Uh, Dua—She said quietly.

—Dua? Who's that?—Ashton raised an eyebrow.

—Lipa, Ashton. Jesus, you're so slowAshley said rolling her eyes.

Ashton then looked Camila straight in the eyes—Did she told you her name?

Camila nodded and raised her shoulders, not knowing exactly what she should say.

—Good to see you, Irwin—There she was again, the girl who Camila couldn't stop thinking about. Dua.

—Hey, Lipa, how is it going?—He said giving her a side smile.

—Good, really good—And then, she looked at Camila—Can I sit here, my angel?

—Yes, you can, hot stuff—Ashley talked for Camila, who was too busy looking at the girl. She looked tired and had a cut in her right eyebrow.

Dua smiled and sat down in the chair next to her, ignoring her concern look or not realising. Camila tense up a little then, due to the proximity.

—Ashton, did you remember about that thing I told ya'?—Ashley asked her boyfriend, who nodded his head—I take it back.

—How was your week like?—Her raspy, low voice sent chills down her spine.

—Boring—She looked at the girl and then at the waiters who were starting to serve the food. She looked at her again—It's nice to see you again, Dua.

Dua closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm herself. She couldn't believe how good her name sounded when she was the one saying it.

—Same, angel—She spoke way lower than before, since they were both getting closer and closer.

—Why do you always call me angel? I don't understand it.

—You'll understand it one day, my sweet angel—Dua said and then turned around as the waiter served them the food in those fancy plates next to them.

With that, they started to eat and didn't talk again, it's not like Camila didn't wanted to, but she couldn't bring herself into starting a conversation with the girl.

Dinner went on pretty boring. On the one hand, Camila was thinking about Dua, and how every time they shared a conversation together she would feel more and more curious about her, and she would occasionally join Ashton and Ashley's conversation when they asked her a question. On the other hand, Dua was trying to calm her heart, which was beating way too fast. She couldn't believe how close she was getting to her, and how Camila was staring to warm into her, too.

—I like to see you're using my jacket—Dua said when they finished eating and got up.

She really did loved it. It was as if Camila was hers. To Dua she was already hers, but she would never force her into something she doesn't want to or feel uncomfortable with.

Camila looked at herself and her outfit. The leather jacket's sleeves were too long, making her hands disappeared behind them, which made things like eating or using her phone kinda impossible to do.

Camila thought she looked ridiculous, but Dua thought she looked completely breathtaking.

—Yeah... I brought it to give it back to you—She said as they walked out of the room and into the corridor that leaded to the front door. Camila didn't even knew what she was doing or where they were going, but Dua seem to be really willing to talk that night and Camila wasn't planning on loosing that chance to get to know her more.

—It's yours now. It suits you more—She said looking at her lovingly.

—Um... Thank you—She paused for a moment, deciding what words she should use—Jesus, you're really...


—Intriguing. Like, you're like a complete mystery.

—Well, you're a complete beauty, angel—She smiled at her, avoiding getting deeper into that conversation—Can I take you out for a walk?—She asked when they got to the front door.

Camila looked around looking for her friend, but when she didn't she just raised her shoulders—Sure—With a smile, Dua opened the door for her.

Dangerous Obsession (Dua Lipa and Camila Cabello) {DuaMila}Where stories live. Discover now