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Camila was running around the building to get in time to her next class. However, luck wasn't on her side because when she got the door, she found it closed, which meant she couldn't come in or the teacher would scream at her in three different languages. No joke, Mr. Anderson was really good with languages and could talk fluently about four languages.

Camila sighed and texted Ashley saying she was already leaving, and that she would call the moment she got home, since that was her last class of the day.

She put the phone back in her pocket and walked to the exit, having mixing feelings. On the one hand, she felt horrible for loosing a class but, on the other hand, she was really tired and knew another class would kill her last will to stay awake, so she decided it was okay to take a break.

The last couple of weeks she had been taking way too many breaks and days off. And she hated she knew the reason behind that; Dua.

Even since the girl came into her life, her motivation and focus for college left.

She spent half of the time thinking about her, and when she wasn't daydreaming of the girl's mysterious ways, she was texting her.

When she got home from that walk last Friday, Dua started to text her every time she could, going from littles "Good morning, angel❤️" to really meaningful texts when she was feeling stressed like "You can with everything that gets on your way, believe me".

Simply, too distracting for her. But she wasn't complaining though, because she loved the sweet, caring, fully attention Dua gave her constantly.

And let's not get into their late night conversations. Dua was specially soft at those times. Always asking Camila how her day went like, her voice low and raspy after a day of action. There was something so pure about those questions, so sincere that made Camila feel loved.

Don't get her wrong, Camila knew a lot of people loved her. Well, mostly Ashley and her parents, but still. She knew she had people who had her back, but she never felt as if she was essential in someone else's life, until Dua came into her life.

She made her feel wanted, and not exactly in the sexual way. She made her felt like she was worthy. Like if she didn't need to try to hard to impress her, because she already did just by being herself.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realised the voice of a boy calling her.

At that moment, she was already out of the building and was walking her way back home.

—Camila!—The boy called her for the fourth time, and that's when the girl turned around and saw Mendes running to catch up with her pace, which was fast, thing Camila didn't even realised.

—Mendes?—She asked when the boy was closer to her, earning a nod from him.

—I saw you walking and you seem kinda off, are you okay?—He asked, pulling a hand on her shoulder.

Camila, without even realising, stepped away from the boy and his touch, which was hard and rough—Yeah, I was just thinking.

Her gaze went from his intense and intimidate stare to a girl, a tall one dressed in black, walking their way with a poker face.

—Mendes, good to see you, I was just looking for you—Lipa talked with the boy's back.

That made his eyes open wide and turn around quickly, and Camila swore he could have easily broke his neck within the action.

Camila looked at Dua and automatically felt safe again. The moment Mendes started to talk to her, she felt uneasy and just wanted to run away from him and his creepy smile.

—Hey, Lipa. How- Um, are you okay?—The boy asked with shaky voice, and that made Dua smile.

—No, I'm not. Go to the house, we have things to talk about—Her voice was deep, and made everything sound like a thread.

—Sure, Lipa—The boy started to walk away from them—Good to see you, Camila—After saying that, and without waiting for an answer, he turned around and started to walk really fast.

—Are you okay, angel?—There it was, the concerned voice that made her feel as if she was important, and being loved.

—Dua...—Without even realising, she got on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around the taller girl's neck—Thank God, he was scaring me.

Dua sighed at the thought of the girl being scared and her not being there to protect her. She wrapped her arms tightly around her waist and pulled her into her body, loving the closeness.

—Don't worry, he won't scare you again, my angel—She made it sound like if it was a promise, and Camila didn't knew if she should felt scared or protected.

Just hid her face in the space between Camila's shoulder and neck, being able to smell her sweet scent.

—Do you have plans today?—She asked, making Camila laugh because her breath hit her directly in her skin.

—I never do, I'm kind of a loner. Why you asking?

—Come with me, I wanna show you something.

A/N: Sorry for not updating in like a week or so, I've been in the hospital due to some health problems and couldn't really focus on nothing at all. So yeah, if this chapter is specially shitty, well, don't blame me.

Dangerous Obsession (Dua Lipa and Camila Cabello) {DuaMila}Where stories live. Discover now