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Camila woke with a huge headache and a lot of questions crossing her mind. It was still dark, at least that's what she guessed from the slight light that sneaked into the room, ignoring the thick curtains that completely covered the huge windows.

—What the fuck?—She thought out loud when she realised she wasn't in her room.

A few pieces of memories from earlier came into her mind, and she got up of the bed scared.

—Don't worry, you're safe—A voice from the other and darker side of the room made Camila jump.

—Who- Who the heck are you?—She managed to let the words roll out of her mouth despite her fear.

—You're safe, don't worry—The deep, raspy voice said, getting closer.

Even though the room wasn't quite big, the darkness within it that couldn't be lighted by the moon made it look almost like an endless place.

After hearing a few steps, Camila saw a girl walking calmly to her. She had a small smirk on her face, making the other girl feel unsure of herself.

Was she... going kill her or something completely different? Camila couldn't tell, her facial expression was unreadable.

Dua stopped smirking when she remembered what happened—The guy who was bothering you drugged you—She finally talked after a few minutes of complete silence.

—Are you kidding me?—The words left her mouth before she could ever think otherwise.

Dua smiled sadly—I wish I was, but I'm in fact not kidding. He was planning on.
.. Well, take advantage of you.

—How do you know it?—She crossed her arms, feeling like she was missing something, something really important to puzzle up the pieces of her memory from the night.

—I saw him and I immediately tried to stop him.

Camila uncrossed her arms when she heard that. She was being a completely asshole to the person who saved her from god knows what the boy was planning to do to her.

—Thank you so much for that. I- I really appreciate it. Can I give you something in exchange? You want, I don't know, money or something?

Dua almost let out a laugh—There's no need to pay me, it was an altruist act. I simply don't like it when men take advantage of girls.

—Oh- um, well, thank you anyways. You're like my hero—Camila cracked a little smile when she said that, trying to relieve the conversation of the uncomfortableness, and it worked since Dua smiled back at her—Um, what time is it?

—Like, four a.m.

—Shit, my mom is going to kill me.

—Don't worry, I'll take you home.

—Who- How...?—She went quiet for a moment, structuring her question properly—What's your name?

—I'm whoever you decide me to be, angel—Dua walked to the door and opened it for Camila—Now, am I allowed to take you home?

—And, um, well- yes, I guess. Oh, by the way, I'm Camila.

The both walked out of the room, and Dua turned on the lights of the corridor, knowing Camila was clumsy and could fall because of the air.

The walked down the stairs in silence—Maybe you should tell me where you live—She talked in a funny tone, making Camila realise of how stupid she was being. But, in fact, she still felt a little dizzy and her eyes couldn't focus completely on the floor, so it wasn't completely her fault to act like an idiot—Right, Camila?—Her name rolled out of her tongue in a way it made the smaller girl had goosebumps all over her skin.

Millions of questions started to go through Camila's mind. First of all, who she was and why she didn't wanted to tell her name? And why she had this weird effect on her?

—So, Camila—She again opened the front door for her, and she waited until she was out to turn off the lights and close the door—Where do you live?—She asked, as she didn't knew the answer perfectly. She could probably go to that place with her eyes closed.

—Um, close a restaurant called The Green Gentleman. Do you know where is it at?

—Oh, yeah, been there a few times.

Watching you.

—Well...—They walked to what Camila guessed was the girl's car and they got inside. She let out a breath when she finally got to sit down again, since she felt a little weak and still dizzy—Since you don't wanna tell me your name, can you at least tell how old are you?

—Twenty-four, and you?

Twenty-one, Dua told herself.


—What do you for living, Camila?—She asked.

—Well, apart from stressing, I'm about to finish college and then I'll just try to find a job, I guess.

—What are you studying?


As if I didn't knew that already.

—That's funny—Dua talked, turning on the engineer and starting to drive.

—What's funny?—Camila asked, kinda annoyed.

—My sister is studying that, too.

—Oh, well, what a small world.

—And yet I never run into Beyoncé—Dua said with a smile, knowing Friends was one of Camila's favorite shows.

—Was that a Friends reference? Because if it was I think I'm starting to like you even more.

—Well, I think you need to start to like me more.

Camila let out one her infamous laughs, and Dua's heart almost stopped.

Her laugh was so perfect, so carefree, so sweet, so unique... Just like her.

—Oh, look, that's my house—Camila said, whipping a tear from her left eye.

—Okay, then.

That made Dua stop the car near to the place Camila pointed out, and she hoped the girl didn't realised she knew where her house was at.

—Thanks for saving me and taking me home. That's such a sweet gesture to someone you don't know.

Oh, my babygirl, if only you knew I already know everything about you...

—It's nothing. You always gotta do what you want people to do to you.

Camila suddenly pulled Dua into a hug by wrapping her arms around her neck. That gave Dua the chance to smell the sweet scent of her neck, which was a light but lovely smell of vanilla.

Not what she thought she would smell like, but she wasn't complaining at all.

—Bye, my hero.

And with that, she kissed her cheek and got out of the car, closing the door and running to her house. Dua didn't left until she saw her closing the door and turning on the lights of her room.

She drove home with a huge smile on her face. Camila called her her hero and she hugged her. Oh gosh, she kissed her cheek, she got to feel her sweet, soft lips into her skin. And on top of all that she even got the chance to smell her. And she smelled delicious.

—What a good fucking night—She told herself, still smiling like a psycho.

Dangerous Obsession (Dua Lipa and Camila Cabello) {DuaMila}Where stories live. Discover now