Love letter

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Shope POV

Normal like always, I get ready to go to school I put my clothes on. I check my homework to see if I missed a problem specially in math because in my school there is detention. RING I grab my phone to see who it was.

 Kevin: Hey nerdy come down here we are here now.

Shope: Coming, let me just put my homework away.

Kevin: Ughhh... hurry up.

Shope angry: Stop whining and wait, you big baby.

I hurried up and I said bye to my parents, when my friends were there I hugged them. Their light faces were turning red but I didn't care much.

Roach: "Awwww I think some are turning red" looking at Tyler and Kevin.

Tyler and Kevin: What... of course not.

Shope: Maybe because its a hot day, plus summer is starting.

I was nervous. I...I mean they are my friends they couldn't blush, sure I always wear new clothes but I try to look ugly at school so people won't have a crush on me. Even though for me love doesn't exist in my life. We starting walking, my friends were silent. I said to myself that Kevin, Tyler and Roach always talk about whatever is on their mind.


Kevin POV 

I was just starting at the ground... but then something I remembered I didn't even tell them.

Kevin: Guys Ms. Martin told all the students there will be a prom.

Tyler: Sweet

Roach: Aww I will want a beautiful girl to dance with.

Shope: Count me out.

The boys: What... Why

Shope: Because I am not going, plus I really don't know how to look pretty in a special occasion.

Tyler: Hey there is Amy to help you... right?

Shope: Easy for Amy she is beautiful... but me nahh.

I felt bad for Shope she is pretty in the inside and outside and if no one likes her then they are not worth it.

Tyler POV

I wanted to change the subject.

Tyler: Hey, I heard that there will be a music contest.

Shope: A music contest... well count me in

Roach: Well, who plays in this group.

Kevin: I don't know I never pla-

Tyler: Kevin plays the violin... isn't that right Kevin?

I knew Kevin wouldn't like to go to the music contest because he thinks we are going to make fun of him. 

Shope: Why you never told us?

Kevin: Well...,

Roach: Guys, we are at school now.

Roach POV

I went to class and I saw Tyler holding something. I think is for Amy but I wanted to make sure.

Roach: Hey, what u got there

Tyler: Ohh, This is for my sweet Amy. I want to ask her if she wants to be my date.

Roach: Well, good luck tiger

Tyler: Thx I'll need it

Kevin looked at me like he was lying, but that is always Tyler he mostly never tell us about his life.


The bell rang we were unpacking that was when Kevin forgot his homework, but mostly he is umm... Kevin he never cares. 

Shope: Let me guess you forgot your HW?

Kevin just didn't care but in the inside he did.

Ms.Martin: Ok class we have announcements to make the first one, there will be a prom in the end of the school year that is in 3 months.

Shope: Ha the good part is that I am not going.

Tyler: Oh yes you are

Kevin: Why are you saying that?

Tyler: Oh me hahaha... umm she is my friend of course she is coming, she needs to participate at the fun.

Ms. Martin: And the second one is that there will be a music contest and people in our class already voted...

Kevin mind: Please not me.

Ms.Martin: KEVIN!!!

Kevin looked panic. Everyone cheered 

Roach: At least there will be girls don't you think?

Kevin: Yeah... maybe the perfect one"


4 hours had past Its lunch time

Shope POV

I was right there in my light blue locker. I open my locker to put my reading book away and get another book for the next subject. A pink letter was in my book, I looked if it belong to someone. In my head I was scared if it was me... but I know it wasn't.

Dear Shope

Everyday, I also look at you. Your eyes are the most most beautiful thing I ever saw. I am not like those boys who like to play with girl feelings, I promise. But if you give me a chance I will accept it. You might not know me but I know that you are the only one in this school who caught my eye.

From _ _ _ _ _ 

I was starting to blush but I knew it wasn't worth it. I knew that someone was just joking or maybe they were a player. I went to the cafeteria to know where my friends were. I looked everywhere but nothing. Maybe they weren't there yet, so I sat down and just remember that letter. I couldn't forget was beautiful.

Shope: Calm yourself this might be a trick, but I don't know how to feel about this...this freaking letter. I am so confused.

I just bang my head on the table and said to myself why does it needed to happen. They boys were just walking in and they saw me banging my head many times.

Roach: Shope you ok? you are blushing so hard.


Kevin: Happen what?

Shope: Did you guys knew that someone would like me or never?

The boys: Yea...why?

Shope: oh nothing lets go get some lunch

I looked shocked they knew someone would like me, but I was sure it wasn't my friend they are like brothers to me, we were together for 6 years. I know that I will know sooner or later who it is and tell them that I won't like them. Even though it might be my friends.


Follow me in musically: heyoitsclaw

I ship _ _ _ _ _ _ 

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