Sandlot // Richie

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*sips trader joe's french vanilla cold brew at 12:23 am* okAy SO! i love the sandlot, and i thought id intermingle the two! enjoy!

You walk throughout the streets of Derry, Maine. It's a clear, summer day, hardly a cloud in the sky. People would stray away from you, as you're reputation wasn't the clearest. You're Belch Huggins sister. Yes, Reginald -Belch- Huggins, Henry Bowers best bud. That made you obligated to hang out with them, otherwise, you'd be lonely. You're considered "feared".

In the distance, you hear yelling an laughing. You make your way to the sandlot, that a lot of the time, boys would play baseball.

Your gaze rests upon the Losers Club, a group of kids you didn't necessarily talk to all the time. Well, weren't allowed to talk to. At all.

Since you grew up with an older brother, Belch, you kind of enjoyed sports. You had a liking for baseball. The same game the group of boys were playing.

"Can I play?" You ask and Richie Tozier walks over, slugging a wooden bat over his shoulder. The group of boys walk up to you, scared and confused looks on their faces.

Six. There were six boys in front of you. The six boys your brother and his friends picked on the most.

"What?" Richie questioned, an amused but questioning look on his face. He fixed his thick glasses that were lazily dropped onto the brim of his freckled nose. His brown eyes were enlarged by, let's say, a lot.

Eddie widens his eyes. "You dumb-fucks! Don't get close to her!" He whispers to the boys under his breath, but you still hear. "It's a setup. She's Belch's sister!"

"And besides," Stanley squints his eyes, looking into your E/C eyes. "Girls don't play sports. They can't."

"You sure, Uris?" You ask, a smirk on your lips. "I've got a wicked stride."

He rolls his eyes.

"Let her puh-play." Bill stutters. "Wuh-we have two captains. M-Me, and Richie."

"I'll take her on my team!" Richie smiles slyly. "Bad girls are hot."

You shrug your shoulders. "Sure, four-eyes. I'll play for ya'."

"Sick." You hear him mumble. Richie tosses you Ben's glove since Ben wasn't playing. You re-tie your white, high-top Chucks with a grin on your face- you can feel their eyes on you, as you're squatting down to relink the laces.

"Enjoying the view?" You ask loftily.

The boys clear their throats. "Suh-sorry, Y/N." Bill stammers.

"Ay-Okay, Denbrough." You smile. You clap your hands once you stand up. "Let's do this!"

// Time Skip //

Your team was fielding. You smirk nonchalantly as you notice Bill step up to the plate, light wood bat in his firm grip.

Your team consisted of Richie and Stanley. Bill's team had himself, Mike and Eddie. Ben was the pitcher each inning, as there were an uneven amount of people playing. He volunteered.

The smirk on your lips fade and you hear the crack of the ball hitting the wooden bat. You look up and see the ball flying towards you at an alarming rate.

Quickly, you shuffle back to catch the ball. Your back hits the fence behind you, so you jump and high as you can, reaching out your N/D/H (Non/Dominant/Hand) that had the leather glove casing it.

You feel a tinge of pain in your hand as your feet hit the ground. You look inside of the closed glove and see a nice little baseball in your palm.

Yelling is heard from the centre of the sandlot.

"Yeah, Y/N!" Richie hoots. "Suck it, Denbrough!"

//Time Skip, Game's Over//

Richie walks up to you, grinning wildly. "Nice game, hot thing."

"Not too bad yourself."

"You know," He raises his eyebrows a little. "I'm free every day."

You smirk. "Isn't that sad?"

As you begin your venture home, Richie decides to tag along.

"I'm just messing with you." You chuckle a tad. "Tomorrow, at noon. Meet me at the quarry."

"Sure, Y/N."

You press a kiss on his cheek. "Be there or be square, Tozier!"

With that, you leave a frozen, but somehow red, Richie Tozier in the middle of the street, hand pressed up onto his right cheek, where you'd kissed him.

"Yeah." He murmurs as you jump up the stairs to your house.

You open the door and slip inside. The door slams and you press your back against it, sighing.

"Oh, how long I've been wanting to do that."

part 2??

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