Basement // Richie

630 17 15

thanks to @byerstozier for this request (again)! this one's kinda short sorry <3

"Come on, Bill!" Y/N chuckled. "We've listened to this track like five times!"

Bill scoffed. "I thuh-thought yuh-you loved Tracy Chapman?"

"I do!" Y/N whined. "We've just listened to it like eight hundred times."

The Losers Club was grooving along to their favourite songs that Bill had on his mixtapes. The other tapes were stuck inside a box with only one laying out. That one was labelled "Rock", but ever since Y/N found his "Fast Car" vinyl under his bed, Bill couldn't put it away.

Beverly, Mike, Bill, Y/N, Ben, Stan and Eddie were all up and moving- all of the Losers except Richie, who was laying on Bill's bed, constantly complaining about "The shittiest song he's ever heard".

"Let's listen to Queen," Richie recommends. "better than this garbage."

"Shut up, Richie! We're having fun!" Y/N grins.

Richie rolls his eyes. "As if I'd like to be seen having fun with you."

Y/N opens her mouth to speak but is quickly shut down by Richie. "-Actually, I don't want to be seen with you at all."

"Buh-beep beep, Richie." Bill stuttered angrily.

Richie scoffs as she turns her attention back to the Losers, tears welling in her E/C eyes. "I guess we can play Queen. Bill, you have a tape for it?"

"Yeah." He replies as he grabs the mixtape and stops the record player. "Guh-get my boombox?"

Y/N grabs the boombox from underneath Bill's neatly kept bed. "Got it."


Y/N slumped her shoulders as Stanley and Beverly were talking around her. She hates how she and Richie had fallen out over the past two years- they were friends since the first grade- what happened?

"I'm gonna get a drink." Y/N speaks as the group is speaking over Bohemian Rhapsody.

Bev nods. "Got it, N/N. Get me a Coke while you're down there!"

"Sure. Anyone else?" She looks around the room. Everyone denies- Stanley, Eddie, Bill, Ben, Mike, Richie-


Where is Richie?

She sighs and goes downstairs.

Y/N walks through the arch into the Denbrough kitchen. She opens the light wood cabinet and grabs a clear glass. She grabs exactly 5 ice cubes from the freezer and drops them in the cup.

She fills the glass with water and places it on the counter. Y/N opens the fridge and searches for the Coke that Bevvie asked for. Gone.

Y/N remembered that the Denbroughs kept the sodas in their basement. She left her water on the table and skipped down the stairs to the basement.

Reaching the bottom of the steps, she sees a depressed looking Richie all alone on the grey couch. He's staring at the light blue walls of the basement with a mixture of guilt, sadness and jealousy in his gaze.


Richie jumps up and spins his head towards the girl at the end of the steps. "Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I'm... getting a soda for Bevvie. What are you doing down here?"

"Why do you care?"

She shrugs her shoulders and sits next to him on the couch. "Are you okay?"

"I'm... fine. I should be ah-asking you that. What's wrong?"

"You." She states plainly. "You've been mean to me for the past... year? Did I say something- What did I do?"

"Nothing. It's muh-my fault. I'm suh-sorry about what I said eh-earlier."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "You sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine!" He snapped.

She nodded her head and blinked some tears away.

"Shit!" Richie cursed. "Don-Don't cry! Y-Y/N, I need... I need to tuh-tell you someth-thing."

The space on the couch between the two diminishes as Richie moves closer to her. He sits up in his seat.

"Y/N... fo-for the past ye-year I've- I've been mean..." Richie stutters. "and I'm sorry! Ther-there's a stuh-story! Recent-recently, I've seen you-you as muh-more than..." Richie puts his left hand on top of Y/N's hand that's on her lap. "more than a friend."


He clears his throat. "I guh-get it if you duh-don't feel the same-"

Richie's cut off by Y/N's lips on his. She puts her hands on his cheeks and smiles into her first kiss (Richie's too).

They pull apart with their eyes attached to each others. Y/N's hands were still on his cheeks and Richie's hands around her waist.

Y/N dips her head onto his chest and into a hug. Richie lays his head on top of her head.

"Let's get out of here." Richie smiles and grabs Y/N's hand. "Park?"

Y/N nods her head vigorously. As they get up, she remembers- "Richie!"


"I..." She smiled up at him. "I like you... more than a friend does too."

With that, Y/N L/N and Richie Tozier weren't seen by the Losers for rest of the day.

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