Chapter 1: The Lonely Girl

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This is my first book that I've ever written. I've always wanted to write, but finally plucked up the courage to do so. I'm new to Wattpad and writing in general, hope you all enjoy as I've enjoyed writing this and thank you for reading!

*Please comment and follow! :)

Love, DC Nash

It was the eve of Gemma's graduation. "I can't believe it's over", she thought, as she traced her fingertips along her cap. Gemma closed her eyes and looked back to all the stressful late nights of studying. "Columbia University class of 2018", she chuckled," took me damn long enough".

The bedroom was softly lit with the help of a corner lamp and several candles dispersed throughout. The shadows bounced perfectly off Gemma's face, accentuating her soft nose and pouted lips. It was a hot summer night and the window was open, welcoming in a warm breeze. The air gently tangled her long, chocolate brown hair. She tucked the strands behind her ear and grabbed her graduation dress off the hook. She places it against her body and stares at herself in the mirror as she smooths out the wrinkles of the light blue dress. Gemma forces out a small smile. "Maybe if I keep smiling, I'll trick myself into being happy", she thought. Tears start welling up, drowning her green eyes. She closes her eyes and wills herself to push those tears back. She didn't want to feel anything, she couldn't.

The sudden realization dawned on her that no one would be there to see her graduate. Gemma Hunter had never met her birth parents. Both had died in a car accident when she was an infant which caused Gemma to bounce from foster home to foster home. Some of those homes were tolerable, while others were abusive. Gemma didn't look at her memories regretfully. Over time, she learned to not expect anything and to not get attached to the nicer homes. She knew she'd have to leave eventually. Her experiences forced her to grow up quickly and work two jobs to support herself. Finances and hardship caused her to start and end college late, but she didn't care. She didn't major in law for the love of it, she could care less about the subject honestly. She was just happy that she completed something and that her diploma would elevate her life from what it was. She hoped a high paying job would fill a void in her and make her too busy to notice that void was even there.

Gemma Hunter was no damsel in distress and was no stranger to hard work. She knew how to keep her heart guarded and promised herself to never let anyone in because feeling anything only brought disappointment and heartache.

The graduation finished as quickly as it came. As her name was called out, Gemma drew out a deep breath and walked down the field as grass crunched beneath her wedges. She forced out a smile as she collected her long awaited diploma from the dean and rushed off stage. As she was walking back to her seat, Gemma knew there would be no one to congratulate her afterwards. She stopped by her chair for only a moment, then continued walking towards the exit.

Gemma decided she would celebrate, even if it was just with herself. She walked around aimlessly around the city until she found the fanciest bar she could find. "It's my day, I deserve it". The bright lights emanating from the building hurt her eyes as she walked through the marble doors. The cool air conditioning hit her face as she pushed past through a crowded room. She'd never been in this particular bar, it was gorgeous. The room was full of patrons, all sitting at mahogany tables and drinking top shelf. Gemma felt out of place here. Everyone looked so elegant and smelled of money. It's only been a few minutes and she already knew she was the roughest character out of this entire building.

Despite herself, Gemma found a seat at the bar and ordered one drink after another. She wanted to drown her loneliness in beer. She created this tough persona, the girl who didn't care about love or friendship. She was the girl that could take care of herself and didn't need a single person in her life. She's gone through 28 years without a single soul to help her. "But then why does being alone feel so exhausting", she thought to herself.

As she downed her third beer, Gemma glanced behind her to scan the room. Four men entered through the doors, several women clung onto their arms like accessories. The room fell silent while whispers lingered in the background. It's like the entire world knew these people and suddenly, Gemma felt the room grow fearful of them. The host quickly ushered them towards the back in a semi private nook. The bar roared back to life as if nothing happened. Gemma was intrigued by them. The women we're beautiful, adorned in jewelry and fur. Their hair and makeup looked professionally done. All four men were the epitome of dark and
intimidating. However, one stood out in particular. He was the tallest one out of the group, looked roughly 6'3" with broad shoulders. His muscles were defined underneath his Armani suit. "That suit cost at least $2000", Gemma guessed. His jet black hair slicked into a gentleman's cut, it suited his sharp jawline. Out of all the features, the scars were the most interesting. As she gave this man a once over, she noticed a couple things: the old scar across his right eyebrow and another large one across his neck which meandered into a faded tattoo.
She carefully studied them as they sat down, laughing and ordering drinks. The man with the scars lights a cigarette as he pushes a laugh through his teeth, his eyes crinkling on either side. The sign above the bar says no smoking, and yet here these men are acting like they own the place. "Probably because they do". Tapping the bar top, Gemma asks for another beer. She studies the man's face, swearing that he looks familiar.

"He looks good, doesn't he?", the woman next to her leans in. She too reeks of trust fund money.

"He looks complicated", Gemma laughs.

"Being a business man like that, I'm sure he is", the woman quips.

"What do you mean, business man?", Gemma asks, noticing the emphasis.

"Oh, honey, he's the biggest crime boss in all of New York City. Matteo Ciccone, he owns this bar and probably all of Manhattan to be honest".

The woman seemed to expect Gemma to be impressed. She was most certainly not. She could care less about his status, his job, or his money. Gemma has been humble her entire life, she doesn't feel the need to pine over someone because of their wealth.

A couple hours had past and Gemma was finally starting to feel the effects of her choices. She's already drained seven beers and three shots. Clumsily, she attempts to hail down the bartender.

"One more!", she demands, slurring.

"Sorry, hun, but I think I'm gonna have to cut you off now. You've had a lot, you should get some rest"

"Listen... Greg...", Gemma shouts, squinting at his name plate,"I'm a grown ass woman, it's my graduation day. I have no family and no one to celebrate with. All I have is myself and this beer, except I drank it all...", she trails off trying to gather herself. "One more beer will make me forget the whole thing, so if you could so kindly, FILL THIS GLASS UP"!

Her speech must have affected the bartender as he agrees and fills her glass up for the last time. Amused, Matteo couldn't help but overhear the exchange and was quite tickled with Gemma's feistiness. He smirks and sips his scotch.

Gemma finally downs the last of her beer and gets up. As she grabs her purse and smooths out her dress, she glances up only for her eyes to meet Matteo's. His stare is intense and burns her face. All she can see is his dark brown eyes, glistening under the hot lights. His poker face almost makes her confidence fade, he looks dangerous. After what seems like an eternity, he looks away and Gemma turns to go. As she reaches the door, Matteo tilts his eyes up, taking a long drag of his cigarette and watches her leave.

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