Dark To Light (12)

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I thought there was more to this story but I guess this is the end of this story. I'm kinda sad about it and I feel terrible about not uploading it but I have been stuck on this story for a very long time. I hope all you fans read it :)

Dark To Light (12)

Once I reached them Haley walked up to me and grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me off to the side.

'Elisa just leave!” she spat at me.

“I love him!” I said looking at the ground.

Haley looked at me and then looked behind her at Andy. Then released my arm.

“I don't care. I'm tired of losing him.” she sighed.

“You can't lose what you never had.” I said looking over her shoulder at Andy.

“I had him. We loved each other.”

'Yeah loved.” I said looking at her.

“I love him!” she said raising her voice.

“Does he love you back?”

Haley lowered her head and looked behind her and looked at Andy for a few seconds then turned back toward me.

“He loves you.” she said looking at me right in the eyes “I never thought he could love you.”

“Why? Because I am ugly?” I said getting mad.

“No because of all the emotional issues you must have. I know what happened to you Andy told me.” she sighed.

“Andy saved my life and I will always be grateful to him for it.”

Haley smiled at me. She knew I was alone in the world. She could see Andy was all I had now. I needed him. I had to get everything back together in my life.

“I see this. I know you need him. But please just understand I love him. I need him too.”

“I understand that. Let Andy choose.” I said pointing at Andy.

I moved past her and walked toward him. He turned toward me and his face light up so bright. Once I was in fron of him he wrapped an arm around me and hugged me.

“I am so sorry.” he whispered to me.

“I know. It doesn't matter now.” I said pulling away and looking at him.

Andy moved back and looked over at Haley who walked up to us. She stood next to me.

“Choose. I need to know.”

“Haley I loved you. I did, but not now. You were what I thought I wanted.” he said to her.

I turned to her. Tears were forming in her eyes as she turned toward me. She covered her mouth with her hand to keep from crying out. Andy reached for her but she pushed him off.

“Haley, I am sorry.” Andy said looking at her with worried eyes.

Haley said nothing she just pushed her way past him and walked down the street. I watched her disappear in to the crowd. I wanted to make sure she we okay. I really did. She was upset something bad could happen to her.


I turned toward Andy and smiled at him. He pulled me too him and crushed his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“I am so sorry. I promise you I will never hurt you again. I swear to you.” He said pulling away from me.

“I know. You love me.” I said looking into his eyes.

“Yeah I love you, more then ever.” he said before kissing me again.

People pushed past us as we kissed. We didn't seem to notice or care at all. Everything in my life was coming together. I had my brother, and the man who saved my life from the dark hell hole and brought me into the light.

-2 Years Later-

“Ahh!!!!” I screamed gripping a hold of the metal bar next to me.

“Honey, breath.”

I stoot my head toward the man sitting next to me. I narrowed my eyes at him and started yelling at him to shut up. The pain was unbarable. I felt like I was splitting in half.

“Elisa, I need you to push. One big push.” The doctor said looking at me.

I breathed in and pushed as hard as I could, screaming as I pushed. I flung my head head back as tears streamed my cheek. My husband came to my side and whipped my face and kissed my head. I started to scream again as I pushed harder. Once I heard that sweet cry I knew everything was complete.

“It's a girl.” The doctor said handing her over to me.

I held her close and looked to my side at Andy who was smiling so wide I thought he was fake. Andy kissed my head again and looked at our beautiful daughter.

“I'm going to tell everyone okay?” he said slipping away from me and out the door to the hall where my brother and my wonderful cousin were waiting to see how things went. They all walked into the room. Sara flung her hand in the air and ran over to me crying. She kissed my head and started to cry harder once she saw her.

“What's her name?” Sara said looking at me.

“Hannah Maria Reed.” I said looking up at Andy.

She was named after Andy's mom. She was the women who made Andy who he was. I loved her for it and I wanted our daughter to have a meaningful name. After 2 years of being together. We were married and had our first child. Everything was how it should be. I am really starting to like the light side of life. I really am.  

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