Dark To Light (4)

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"Andy?" I said looking at him, he was holding my brother talking to him.  He turned to me"Yeah" I extended my hand for my brother. Andy set Charles on the floor and headed out the door. I looked at him. "Wait!!"I yelled

He turned to me and frowned. "What?". The way he said it made me wince. It was harse and mean. I turned around and headed to the front desk.  The lady behind the desk took one look at me and frowned. She was staring at my scar.  It didnt bother me because I really didnt care at all.



"Oh you are in room 312. Third floor." she smiled handing me the hotel key. I smiled in return and took the key and headed to the elevator. I pressed the up button. When the door open a guy rushed out and knocked me off my feet. He stoped and looked at me. "Oh Im sorry are you okay?"

I nodded and got to my feet and fixed myself. I grabbed Charles hand. "Let me make it up to you" he offered. I refused.  I figure things out. He didnt seem to mind at all. I dodnt know if thats an insult or not? I walked into the elevator. Charles pressed every single button. When it started he grabbed my hand. 'Jump!" he squealed. I laughed and jumped around in circles. It made my stomach jump.

"Um?" I stopped and looked at the door, that was now open. Andy was there looking at us smirking.

"What are you doing" I said walking past him\


  He ran up to me. "I wanted to apologize for my coldness down stairs. "  I looked around for the room. I finally found. I stuck my blue key in the key hole and it opened. I turned to Andy. "Goodbye Andy."  I said as my brother ran from my arms and into the room. Andy looked at me. I turned around . He grabbed my arm. "Let me go!" I yelled.  I looked into his eyes they were inviting and kind.  He let go and looked at me ."I need to think. Just go, please?"

I shut the door and ran into the room and saw my brother jumping on the bed. I smiled and joined him on the bed. He giggled as we jumped.  I jumped down on the bed and layed there, Charles stoped jumping and cuddled into me. I grabbed the phone and called the jail.

"Hi, I was wonder about Claire WIllis?"

"She is being transferred to a different jail, she has court tomorrow" I smiled. My mom wouldn't hurt me anymore. I closed my eyes for a second. When I opened them someone was banging on the door. I  sat up and stretched. I walked to the door and looked through the peep hole. It was Andy. I shock  my head and walked back to the bed and layed down. I covered my head with the pillow.  I covered Charles up better with the blanket.

"HEAR ME OUT!!!!" He yelled from behind the door,

"GOOO  AWAY!!" I yelled back

 I sat up and covered my face with my hands and screamed into them. All of this was new to me.  I had never had someone feel for me like this. I havent been happy. I have always been sad and depressed.  Everything was finaly hitting me. I walked to the door and opened it.

"What going to happen to Charlies?" I said

 Andy looked at me and sighed. My vision was blurred. I used the back of my hand to whip away the tears.

"He will either be put in foster care or you can get full custidy  of him. "

I looked back into the room and saw my little brother curled up sleeping. I smiled, he wouldn't do good in foster care at all he was only 7 and I was the only one left since our father died. He died of cancer. Thats one reason mom went crazy. Shelost her soul comfort in life.   I looked back to Andy and pulled him into the room. He laughed and pushed the door shut.

"Why do you care so much about me, Andy?"


NEW CHAPTER! everyone

If you have any ideas about what you want to happen in this story leave a comment below.  Fed back is awesome!!

Thanks :D

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